Software Engineering: A Hands-On Approach

  • 5h 40m
  • Roger Y. Lee
  • Springer
  • 2013

This textbook provides a progressive approach to the teaching of software engineering. First, readers are introduced to the core concepts of the object-oriented methodology, which is used throughout the book to act as the foundation for software engineering and programming practices, and partly for the software engineering process itself. Then, the processes involved in software engineering are explained in more detail, especially methods and their applications in design, implementation, testing, and measurement, as they relate to software engineering projects. At last, readers are given the chance to practice these concepts by applying commonly used skills and tasks to a hands-on project. The impact of such a format is the potential for quicker and deeper understanding. Readers will master concepts and skills at the most basic levels before continuing to expand on and apply these lessons in later chapters.

About the Author

Dr. Roger Lee is a professor at Central Michigan University in the Department of Computer Science, where he specializes in topics in software engineering. He received his Ph.Ds from Shizuoka University and University of Southern Mississippi. At Central Michigan University, he teaches courses in object-oriented programming and software engineering using the principles taught in this book. Similarly, his research and publications cover areas such as componentbased software engineering, requirements engineering, software architecture, and object-oriented analysis and design. He is the director of the Software Engineering and Information Technology Institute (SEITI) where he oversees research activities. He serves as Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Software Innovation and managing editor for the International Journal of Networked & Distributed Computing as well as the International Journal of Computing & Information Science (ICIS). He is also the founder and CEO of the Association for Computer and Information Science (ACIS); this organization sponsors numerous conferences such as the annual International Conference on Computer & Information Science (ICIS) and the Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking, and Parallel/Distributed Computing Conference (SNPD); these conferences are also cosponsored by the IEEE Computer Society.

In this Book

  • Introduction to Software Engineering
  • Object-Oriented Concepts
  • Modeling with UML
  • Starting the Project
  • Requirements Elicitation
  • Object-Oriented Analysis
  • System Design
  • Object-Oriented Design
  • Implementation
  • Testing
  • Project Wrap-Up, Delivery, and Maintenance
  • Software Metrics and Measurements
  • Hands-On Software Engineering Project