Smart Calling: Eliminate the Fear, Failure, and Rejection from Cold Calling, Second Edition

  • 3h 51m
  • Art Sobczak
  • John Wiley & Sons (US)
  • 2013

Cold calling is not only one of the fastest and most profitable ways to initiate a new sales contact and build business; it's also one of the most dreaded—for the salesperson and the recipient. Smart Calling has the solution: Art Sobczak's proven, never-experience-rejection-again system. Now in an updated 2nd Edition, it offers even smarter tips and techniques for prospecting new business while minimizing fear and rejection.

While other books on cold calling dispense long-perpetuated myths such "prospecting is a numbers game," and salespeople need to "love rejection," this book will empower readers to take action, call prospects, and get a yes every time.

  • Updated information reflects changes and advances in the information gathering that comprises the "smart" part of the calling
  • Further enhances the value and credibility of the book by including more actual examples and success stories from readers and users of the first version
  • Author Art Sobczak's monthly Prospecting and Selling Report newsletter (the longest-running publication of its type) reaches 15,000 readers, and Smart Calling continues to rank in the Top 20 in the Sales books category on and has sold over 20,000 copies

Conquer your fears and master the art of the cold calling through the genius of Smart Calling, 2nd Edition.

About the Author

Since he was 14 years old, in his first sales job, on the phone selling tickets to the police fundraising circus, Art Sobczak has been a student, practitioner, and for the past 27 years, also a teacher of professional sales and prospecting using the phone.

All through high school and college he held a variety of jobs that allowed him to sit in the comfort of an office, making money for others, and himself, simply by talking on the phone. He knew he was on to something. That trend continued after college in corporate sales positions with the original AT&T, and with a division of American Express.

Since forming his company, Business By Phone Inc. in 1983, Art has helped hundreds of thousands of salespeople--and those who might not have considered themselves being in sales--to generate untold millions of dollars and extraordinary success by saying and doing the right things by phone using conversational, common-sense, non-salesy processes and techniques.

He provides this assistance through many forms: customized onsite training workshops for companies and associations (over 1200 delivered), his public Telesales College two-day training seminars, he has authored over 100 audio, video, and printed and electronic learning resources, for over 26 years he has written and published the monthly Telephone Prospecting and Selling Report training newsletter, and for over 10 years his free weekly sales tips e-zine.

In this Book

  • Smart Calling—Eliminate the Fear, Failure, and Rejection from Cold Calling, Second Edition
  • Introduction
  • Cold Calling Is Dumb, but Prospecting Is Necessary—Smart Calling Is the Answer
  • Creating Your Possible Value Proposition
  • Intelligence Gathering—Making Your Calls Smart
  • Using Social Engineering to Gather Intelligence
  • Setting Smart Call Objectives and Never Being Rejected Again
  • More Smart Ideas for Prior to Your Call
  • How to Be Smart with Voice Mail
  • Working with Screeners, Gatekeepers, and Assistants?
  • Opening Statements—What to Avoid to Minimize Resistance
  • Creating Interest with Your Smart Call Opening Statement
  • Handling Early Resistance on Your Smart Calls
  • Using Smart Questions
  • The More Important Side of the Question—Listening
  • Recommending the Next Step
  • Getting Commitment for the Next Action
  • Wrapping Up Calls and Setting Up the Next Action
  • How to Sound Smart—Effective Telephone Communication
  • Getting and Staying Motivated
  • More Smart Calling Success Tips
  • A Smart Call Case Study and Makeovers