Sketching User Experiences: Getting the Design Right and the Right Design

  • 5h 45m
  • Bill Buxton
  • Elsevier Science and Technology Books, Inc.
  • 2007

There is almost a fervor in the way that new products, with their rich and dynamic interfaces, are being released to the public-typically promising to make lives easier, solve the most difficult of problems, and maybe even make the world a better place. The reality is that few survive, much less deliver on their promise. The folly? An absence of design, and an over-reliance on technology alone as the solution. We need design. But design as described here depends on different skillsets-each essential, but on their own, none sufficient. In this rich ecology, designers are faced with new challenges-challenges that build on, rather than replace, existing skills and practice. Sketching User Experiences approaches design and design thinking as something distinct that needs to be better understood-by both designers and the people with whom they need to work-in order to achieve success with new products and systems. So while the focus is on design, the approach is holistic. Hence, the book speaks to designers, usability specialists, the HCI community, product managers, and business executives. There is an emphasis on balancing the back-end concern with usability and engineering excellence (getting the design right) with an up-front investment in sketching and ideation (getting the right design). Overall, the objective is to build the notion of informed design: molding emerging technology into a form that serves our society and reflects its values.

Grounded in both practice and scientific research, Bill Buxton‘s engaging work aims to spark the imagination while encouraging the use of new techniques, breathing new life into user experience design.

Covers sketching and early prototyping design methods suitable for dynamic product capabilities: cell phones that communicate with each other and other embedded systems, “smart“ appliances, and things you only imagine in your dreams; – Thorough coverage of the design sketching method which helps easily build experience prototypes-without the effort of engineering prototypes which are difficult to abandon; – Reaches out to a range of designers, including user interface designers, industrial designers, software engineers, usability engineers, product managers, and others; – Full of case studies, examples, exercises, and projects.

About the Author

Trained as a musician, Bill Buxton began using computers over thirty years ago in his art. This early experience, both in the studio an on stage, helped develop a deep appreciation of both the positive and negative aspects of technology and its impact. This increasingly drew him into both design and research, with a very strong emphasis on interaction and the human aspects of technology. He first came to prominence for his work at the University of Toronto on digital musical instruments and the novel interfaces that they employed. This work in the late 70s gained the attention of Xerox PARC, where Buxton participated in pioneering work in collaborative work, interaction techniques and ubiquitous computing. He then went on to become Chief Scientist of SGI and Alias.

In this Book

  • Design for the Wild
  • Case Study—Apple, Design, and Business
  • The Bossy Rule
  • A Snapshot of Today
  • The Role of Design
  • A Sketch of the Process
  • The Cycle of Innovation
  • The Question of Design
  • The Anatomy of Sketching
  • Clarify is Not Always the Path to Enlightment
  • The Larger Family of Renderings
  • Experience Design vs. Interface Design
  • Sketching Interaction
  • Sketches are Not Prototypes
  • Where is the User in All of This?
  • You Make That Sound like a Negative Thing
  • If Someone Made a Sketch in the Forest and Nobody Saw it…
  • The Object of Sharing
  • Annotation—Sketching on Sketches
  • Design Thinking and Ecology
  • The Second Worst Thing That Can Happen
  • A River Runs Through it
  • From Thinking on to Acting on
  • The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
  • Chameleon—From Wizardry to Smoke-and-Mirrors
  • Le Bricolage—Cobbling Things Together
  • It was a Dark and Stormy Night…
  • Visual Storytelling
  • Simple Animation
  • Shoot the Mime
  • Sketch-a-Move
  • Extending Interaction—Real and Illusion
  • The Bifocal Display
  • Video Envisionment
  • Interacting with Paper
  • Are You Talking to Me?
  • Some Final Thoughts
  • References and Bibliography