Six Sigma Tool Navigator: The Master Guide for Teams

  • 6h 26m
  • Walter J. Michalski
  • CRC Press
  • 2003

Six Sigma Tool Navigator is the only lean resource that provides a complete compendium of tools for teams engaged in Six Sigma improvement activities. In addition, it offers actual tools, definitions and techniques you need to move your organization closer to producing minimal defects.

Six Sigma Tool Navigator includes a complete collection of the latest improvement techniques and Six Sigma tool strings. The tool strings allow Six Sigma teams to combine Six Sigma tools to accomplish a particular outcome.

Highlights Include:

  • Over 70 tool string flowcharts
  • More than 100 illustrated tools including tables, matrices, flowcharts, networks, and diagrams
  • A Six Sigma tools cross reference section
  • Comprehensive statistical tables
  • 222 tools for improvement activities

Six Sigma Tool Navigator goes beyond mere definitions—it acts as a true navigator, classifying each tool by process application, description of various applications of the tool, possible links to “before and after” tools, and problem-solving phases most applicable for the tool. And all of this information and guidance is provided in an easy-to-use format.

Six Sigma Tool Navigator will enhance your team facilitation skills and assist you at every step in your diverse problem-solving and process-improvement efforts.

About the Author

Dr. Walter J. Michalski is president of Alpha Research Group, Fountain Valley, California, a consulting firm that assists organizations in their Six Sigma quality and change initiatives. His work experience reflects 30 years in quality assurance, test/process engineering, and process improvement training. He was trained and certified as a Six Sigma instructor by Motorola in 1995. Since then he has conducted approximately 100 various workshops on Six Sigma processes and tools. He has designed many problem-solving workshops and facilitated teams on Six Sigma quality, process reengineering, continuous improvement, measurements, organizational change, and critical-thinking techniques.

Dr. Michalski holds an Ed.D. in Institutional Management from Pepperdine University, GSEP, Los Angeles, California. His doctoral dissertation examined the effectiveness of nontraditional college degree programs. As an adjunct professor, he continues to teach at graduate and undergraduate levels in subjects such as research methods, statistics, TQM/TQS, management, and organizational behavior. He also serves as project advisor for students’ research projects, practicums, and theses.

In this Book

  • Six Sigma Basics—Techniques and Considerations
  • Six Sigma Tools—Tools-Strings Examples
  • 222 Tools in Flowchart Cross-Reference
  • 65 Tools-String Flowchart Examples
  • Tools—Numbers – B
  • Tools—C–D
  • Tools—E–I
  • Tools—L–O
  • Tools–P–Q
  • Tools—R–S
  • Tools—T–Y
  • Cross Reference Index
  • Process Category index
  • Six Sigma DFSS and PFSS Tools Listing