Six Sigma +Lean Toolset: Mindset for Successful Implementation of Improvement Projects, Second Edition

  • 3h 4m
  • Alexander John, Christian Staudter (eds), Olin Roenpage, Renata Meran, Stephan Lunau
  • Springer
  • 2013

The current, second edition of this book reflects the 15 years of practical experience with the Six Sigma+Lean toolbox. It is a comprehensive collection of all the tools necessary for project work and running workshops when improving processes. All tools have been illustrated in a clear and comprehensible structure with examples and tips for applying the tools included. The chronology corresponds to the procedure of an improvement project comprising the steps D(efine), M(easure), A(nalyze), I(mprove) and C(ontrol).

The most important innovation of this edition is the fact that it guides the user to select the appropriate tool using questions. The paradigm change from a Toolset to a Mindset has proven worthwhile in project work and ensures that corporate problems are addressed with the goal of achieving efficient solutions rather than having a large quantity of perfect tools to choose from. The efficiency factor of work in projects and workshops will therefore improve significantly. Through this paradigm change, connected with its unique structure, this book provides an effective tool not only for project and workshop leaders but also for the executives/sponsors involved who will be guided to solve the given task formulation quickly and in a sustainable way.

In this Book

  • DEFINE—What is the Problem?
  • MEASURE—How Big is the Problem?
  • ANALYZE—What are the Root Causes of the Problem?
  • IMPROVE—What are the Solutions for Eliminating the Causes?
  • CONTROL—How can the Improvement's Sustainability be Ensured?
  • Abbreviations
  • Process Sigma Table Including 1.5 Sigma Shift