Six Sigma Deployment

  • 5h 11m
  • Cary Adams, Charlie Wilson, Praveen Gupta
  • Taylor and Francis
  • 2003

The authors begin with an introduction to the Six Sigma initiative by offering a chronology of events from the origin of Six Sigma to the present. This includes the changing view of quality and how companies have benefited. Readers are also introduced to the currently popular breakthrough strategy and learn how this compares to the original methodology. Along with this, the different belts are explained in detail as to what the variations are among various service providers.

Some of the unique aspects of this book include the use of Six Sigma with the various quality standards that are being implemented today, the implementation of Six Sigma in supply chain management stream, and the analysis of different methods used by various companies, the strengths and weaknesses of each, results achieved and finally lessons learned. In addition, an appendix is provided that includes the various statistical or non-statistical tools employed during the implementation of Six Sigma.


  • Practical information facilitates successful implementation of this methodology to help maximize return on investment
  • Includes case studies from Motorola, General Electric, Allied Signal, and three small businesses
  • Demonstrates how six sigma complements the various quality management systems

About the Authors

Cary W. Adams, is a management consultant with over 30 years experience in manufacturing, maintenance, safety, project engineering, strategic development and quality. Over the last ten years he has assisted organizations in the chemical, manufacturing, maintenance, computer component manufacturing, health care and distribution industries develop and implement successful strategies.

Praveen Gupta is a Quality consultant. He has published over 50 papers and articles and writes two monthly columns for Cicuits Assembly. Praveen worked for Motorola in the 1980s when (and where) six sigma was developed. He prototyped the Motorola Six Sigma program while working with Bill Smith (the ‘inventor’ of six sigma). The author has a number of years of experience helping to develop and implement six sigma as well as educating others.

Charlie Wilson is a Consultant Partner of Adams Associates and President of Lakota Training & Development. He is degreed in Psychology, Behavioral Sciences and MBA. He holds Master Trainer Certifications in Quality and Statistical Improvement Processes, Behavior Intervention and Coaching, Employee Development, Team Building, Leadership, Organizational Training Development, Project Management, Environmental Health and Safety, Facilitation and Presentation Skills. Mr. Wilson is a management consultant with over 30 years experience in operations, training, industrial psychology, safety, project management, strategic development and quality. During the last decade he has assisted power, pipeline distribution, chemical, manufacturing, maintenance, computer component manufacturing, health care and distribution industries to develop and implement successful business improvement strategies. He has developed hundreds of training programs, published articles for periodicals and produced over 30 safety training videos.

Charlie's speaking engagements have included the National Safety Council, Texas Safety Association, Associated Builders & Contractors, Contractors Safety Council, National Metals Trades Council, as well as numerous client businesses, schools, non-profit organizations and participation on the Texas Governors Quality Forum. Mr. Wilson collaborated on the development of a full line of modular formatted classroom and distance learning Six Sigma Plus training programs. Six Sigma Plus includes Management, Champion, Black Belt, Green Belt, Awareness, Project Demonstration and Aggressive Implementation.

In this Book

  • Who Needs It?
  • What Is Six Sigma?
  • Six Sigma Deployment Overview
  • Opportunity
  • Management and Champions
  • Strategic Plan
  • Project Selection
  • Coaching
  • Black Belts
  • Green Belts
  • Awareness
  • Six Sigma Success Stories
  • Enhancing Six Sigma to Deliver Highest Performance at Lowest Cost
  • Six Sigma Methodology — The Benefits of a Strategic Approach
  • Six Sigma and Quality Systems
  • Final Thoughts
  • Appendix E: Glossary


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