Seven Keys to Successful Mentoring

  • 23m
  • E. Wayne Hart
  • Center for Creative Leadership
  • 2009

Both mentors and mentees realize many benefits from mentoring, as do organizations that encourage, structure, and support mentoring. Effective mentors develop the leadership capacity of their mentees while increasing their own skills. They transfer their knowledge and expertise back into their organizations. They nurture the alignment between employee aspirations and organizational imperatives, and they create depth and loyalty within their organizations. Leaders who take mentoring seriously and handle it effectively have a profound impact.

About the Author

E. Wayne Hart is a senior enterprise associate at CCL’s San Diego campus. He is a trainer in open-enrollment programs, and he designs and delivers custom programs. He is a liaison between the research and training aspects of programs. He holds a B.A. in literature, an M.A. in administration, and an M.A. and Ph.D. in psychology.

In this Book

  • Seven Keys to Successful Mentoring
  • Executive Brief
  • What Is Mentoring?
  • The Importance of Mentoring
  • What Mentors Do
  • Final Thoughts
  • Suggested Readings
  • Background
  • Key Point Summary