Sendmail: Theory and Practice, Second Edition

  • 4h 48m
  • Frederick M. Avolio, Paul A. Vixie
  • Elsevier Science and Technology Books, Inc.
  • 2002

Sendmail: Theory and Practice, Second Edition, is an authoritative and accessible guide to establishing and maintaining an electronic mail system using this powerful but very difficult software program. Highly regarded by the Sendmail community, this book is the only dedicated tutorial on the topic.

Sendmail provides extensive "cookbook recipes" and hands-on instruction explaining how Sendmail works and how to manage even the most intricate mail system. After reading this book, system administrators, managers, and users will understand Sendmail's architecture, and how to design, configure, test, and maintain a distributed Sendmail system. The author, recognized Sendmail authorities, have updated this edition to cover the latest widely installed version of Sendmail and to address the critical new tipics of SPAM and relay management, e-mail security, and Internet gateway design and configuration.

  • Update of the highly rated and definitive Sendmail: Theory and Practice
  • Accessible tutorial for the #1 UNIX and Linux email system
  • Authors include a leading developer of the Sendmail program

About the Authors

Paul Vixie is President of Inc. A pioneer in Internet systems development, he was the author of the once-popular "King James" version of Sendmail and other industry-standard UNIX system software programs including BIND, as well as a half dozen or so Internet RFC documents.

Fred Avolio is President of Avolio Consulting, Inc., a computer and Internet security consulting firm. He has worked in the area of Internet security and communication since the early 1980s, and has taught Sendmail training at conferences and for Internet companies.

In this Book

  • Background and History
  • Groundwork
  • Addressing and Delivery
  • Aliases and Local Delivery
  • Configuration Design
  • Configuration Basics
  • Table Driven Delivery
  • Configuration Details
  • Maintenance and Administration
  • Unwanted E-mail
  • Sendmail and Security


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