Say It with Charts: The Executive's Guide to Visual Communication, Fourth Edition

  • 1h 47m
  • Gene Zelazny
  • McGraw-Hill
  • 2001

Easy-to-Follow Tools and Strategies for Creating Powerful, Interactive Business Presentations

As a professional, your career relies on reaching audiences, convincing them that your message is valuable, then making them remember that message. Say It With Charts, Fourth Edition, walks you through the entire visual presentation process and shows you--step-by-step--how to create compelling, memorable presetations.

Business presentation tools have changed tremendously. A chart that once took ten hours--and ten co-workers--to prepare can now be produced by anyone with ten minutes and a computer keyboard. What hasn't changed, however, are the basics behind creating a powerful visual--what to say, how to say it, and how to say it for the most impact.

Say It With Charts, Fourth Edition, reveals time-tested tips for preparing effective presentations, then shows you how to combine those tips with today's technologies for sharper, stronger visuals. Look to this comprehensive presentation encyclopedia for information on:

  • How to prepare different types of charts--pie, bar, column, line, or dot--and when to use each
  • Hands-on recommendations on lettering size, color choice, appropriate chart types, and more
  • Techniques for producing dramatic eVisuals using animation, scanned images, sound, video, and links to pertinent websites

About the Author

Gene Zelazny is director of Visual Communications for McKinsey and Company, and has over 40 years of experience working with colleagues and clients to design powerful management reports and presentations. In addition, Zelazny frequently presents his ideas at the world's top business schools, including Chicago, Harvard, Columbia, Cornell, Wharton, Haas, MIT, Oxford, Kellogg, Stanford, Tuck, INSEAD, and others. He also is author of the how-to-classic Say It With Presentations.

In this Book

  • Section 1: Choosing Charts
  • Section 2: Using Charts
  • Section 3: Say it with Concepts and Metaphors Solutions in Search of a Problem
  • Section 4: Say IT.COM


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