SAS 9.4 Macro Language Reference, Fourth Edition

  • 6h 22m
  • SAS Institute
  • SAS Institute
  • 2015

Explains how to increase the modularity, flexibility, and maintainability of your SAS code using the SAS macro facility. Provides complete information about macro language elements, interfaces between the SAS macro facility and other parts of SAS software, and macro processing in general.

In this Book

  • Introduction to the Macro Facility
  • SAS Programs and Macro Processing
  • Macro Variables
  • Macro Processing
  • Scopes of Macro Variables
  • Macro Expressions
  • Macro Quoting
  • Interfaces with the Macro Facility
  • Storing and Reusing Macros
  • Macro Facility Error Messages and Debugging
  • Writing Efficient and Portable Macros
  • Macro Language Elements
  • AutoCall Macros
  • Automatic Macro Variables
  • DATA Step Call Routines for Macros
  • DATA Step Functions for Macros
  • Macro Functions
  • SQL Clauses for Macros
  • Macro Statements
  • System Options for Macros