Rock the Tech Stage: How the Best Speakers in Tech Present Ideas and Pitch Products

  • 1h 50m
  • Oscar Santolalla
  • Apress
  • 2020

This book unveils ten secrets on how to masterfully speak in the technology arena. It is primarily based on stories from entrepreneurs, executives and engineers from technology companies that have shaped history: Steve Jobs, Tim Cook, Elon Musk, Jim Grubb (Cisco), Mikko Hyppönen (F-secure), Jane Chen (Embrace Innovations) and many more. Most of them have appeared on the stages of large conferences and events presenting their products and inventions.

Today the technology arena is more dynamic and innovating than ever: mobile applications, cloud services, artificial intelligence, clean technologies, blockchain, etc. There are increasingly more spaces to share knowledge and promote products. Both aspects make speaking about technology harder than ever: how should you speak about your product or company in a way that your audience not only gets what you say but gets inspired enough to become followers?

About the Author

Oscar Santolalla is the author of Create and Deliver a Killer Product Demo. After a decade and a half in the technology arena, he embarked on a mission to help people in technology companies present better, inspire others, and sell more. Since 2014, Oscar has been hosting the public speaking podcast Time to Shine, for which he has interviewed more than 150 communication professionals. He works as a sales engineer at Ubisecure. Born and raised in Peru, Oscar lives in Helsinki, Finland.

In this Book

  • The Tech Stage
  • Story
  • Killer Demos
  • Metaphor
  • Dataviz
  • Passion
  • Props
  • Presentation Hacks
  • Interaction
  • Staging
  • Memory
  • The Virtual Tech Stage
  • Get Started!