Revenue Recognition: Principles and Practices

  • 2h 19m
  • Frank J. Beil
  • Business Expert Press
  • 2013

Revenue is the 'top' line on the income statement and is the fundamental driver of business success. It is essential that managers and executives understand the complexities involved with recognizing revenue under Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in the U.S. Revenue Recognition is primarily concerned with two things; 1) the timing aspect (the when issue) and 2) the amount to be recorded (the how much issue).

This book is principally designed for managers and executives who have organizational responsibility for delivering results in the form of 'profits' for their organizations. The book will be a comprehensive yet readable examination of the existing rules of revenue recognition for corporate entities. After reading the book the manager or executive will have a thorough understanding of how accountants measure and record revenue. This 'skill-set' will prove invaluable in understanding the impact that their business decisions will have on the Financial Statements with an emphasis on the Income Statement and the Statement of Cash Flows.

In this Book

  • The Big Picture: Fundamental Concepts
  • Multiple-Element Arrangements
  • Product Revenue
  • Service Revenue
  • Revenue from Contracts with Customers