Responsible Consumption and Sustainability: Case Studies from Corporate Social Responsibility, Social Marketing, and Behavioral Economics

  • 5h 36m
  • Ana Lanero Carrizo, Enrique Carlos Bianchi, Jose Luis Vazquez Burguete, M. Mercedes Galan-Ladero
  • Springer
  • 2023

This book presents high-quality cases on the actions carried out by companies to minimize the social and environmental impact of the products (goods and services) they launch on the market. It also highlights the education campaigns that promote behavioral changes and new sustainable lifestyles that have been developed by all kinds of organizations (Public Administration, NGOs, and businesses), mainly from Corporate Social Responsibility, Social Marketing, and Behavioral Economics perspectives. International cases help students learn how management and corporate strategy, and the appropriate marketing strategies, can be designed with an aim to achieve responsible consumption and create sustainable lifestyles.

About the Author

Enrique Carlos Bianchi is Professor of Marketing in the Department of Administration and Information Technology (DATI) at the University of Córdoba (Argentina). He is a PhD professor in Fundamentals of Marketing and Consumer Behavior. Postgraduate professor in Market Research, Agribusiness and Global Marketing at different universities in Argentina and Latin America. He is a researcher on issues such as environmental behavior, responsible and sustainable consumption, Corporate Social Responsibility and social marketing.

José Luis Vázquez-Burguete is a Titular Professor in Marketing at the University of León (Spain), heading the Research Group on Marketing, Territorial Planning, and Sustainable Development. He is also President of the International Association on Public and Nonprofit Marketing. His current research areas deal with sustainable production and consumption, CSR, and sustainable development, among others.

M. Mercedes Galán-Ladero is an Associate Professor (Prof. Contratado Doctor) in the Department of Business Management & Sociology, at the University of Extremadura (Spain), where she teaches marketing courses. She is currently engaged in innovative research in the areas of social marketing, cause-related marketing, CSR, and Fair Trade, as well as ethnocentrism, local food products and their internationalization.

Ana Lanero Carrizo is a Titular Professor in Marketing at the University of León (Spain), where she is also currently Director of the Communication and Image Area, as well as a member of the Research Group on Marketing, Territorial Planning, and Sustainable Development. Her current research areas deal with sustainable consumption, education for sustainability, and environmental certification.

In this Book

  • Theoretical Background: Responsible Consumption and Sustainability—Corporate Social Responsibility, Social Marketing, and Behavioral Economic Approaches
  • Corporate Social Marketing, Drunken Tourism and Sustainability: The Case of Meliá Hotels International in Magaluf, Spain
  • Green is in Fashion: Eco-Design and Circular Economy Strategies in the Fashion Industry
  • Sustainable Business Models in Fashion Industry: An Argentine Social Enterprise Fostering an Inclusive and Regenerative Value Chain
  • Want to Be Rewarded for Recycling? With RECICLOS You Can!
  • LessPack: A Project Helping Planet Sustainability
  • Corporate Social Responsibility of “Ant Forest”: Ant Group's “Internet + Tree Planting” Public Welfare Project
  • GreenBox: Ethics, Sustainable Management, and Social Commitment
  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainable Production in the Wine Industry: “Familia Torres”
  • Providing Sustainable Solutions in Chile: Neptuno Pumps—Innovation That Flows
  • YPF Sustainability: Renovation of Service Stations and YPF Full Stores
  • When Responsible Production and Consumption Matter: The Case of Danone
  • Socially Responsible Actions for a Sustainable Life Model: The Case of the BBVA Financial Group in Mexico
  • Sustainable Cosmetics and Perceived Brand Image on Social Networks: Comparison between Millennial and Centennial Women
  • Responsible Consumption and Global University Sustainability Through the UI GreenMetric World University Rankings
  • Understanding the Evolution of Organizations towards a Sustainable Business Model within the Framework of the SDGs: The Case of Laboratorio de Hemoderivados-UNC
  • Fair Trade: A Path towards Responsible Consumption and Sustainability. The Case of Medicus Mundi