Redefining Operational Excellence: New Strategies for Maximizing Performance and Profits Across the Organization

  • 3h 29m
  • Andrew Miller
  • 2014

The old definition of operational excellence is a relic. Our world is too complex, too interconnected, and too fast-moving for organizations to achieve dramatic results simply by eliminating waste and increasing standardization. After all, no company ever cut their way to sustainable growth. True operational excellence is not about "lean" or six sigma or any other methodology. Operational excellence is a mindset, and it achieves breakthrough results. It requires a company culture that questions current models and focuses on adding value, making improvements, and increasing speed. Operational excellence is about finding money and performance boosts in areas businesses don't normally look. Redefining Operational Excellence covers it all - processes, people, and operations - and shares specific strategies to: drive innovation and collaboration; engage customers; attract and retain top people; align strategy and execution; optimize speed; and more. Operational excellence is the relentless pursuit of doing things better. This revelatory guide presents a groundbreaking way of doing things that will benefit organizations and their customers.

About the Author

ANDREW MILLER works with world-class organizations to maximize profitability and performance. As a leading expert in operational excellence, he integrates strategies around driving innovation and collaboration; improving customer acquisition, on-boarding, and retention; aligning strategy and execution; attracting, hiring, and retaining top people; and optimizing speed.

His clients include the Bank of Nova Scotia, McKesson Canada, 3M Canada, Mount Sinai Hospital, Agnico-Eagle Mines, Women’s College Hospital, the Hospital for Sick Children, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, and many other world-class institutions.

Andrew has published more than 200 articles, numerous position papers, and three books. His blog, From Chaos to Order, is constantly updated with new articles, podcasts, and business insights. He has spoken to corporate and industry audiences across North America on a variety of topics, and he has been featured in numerous national and international publications.

He has been a visiting professor at the graduate business schools of York University, the University of Victoria, the University of Waterloo, St Mary’s University, and various other universities across Canada.

Before starting his firm in 2006, Andrew traveled extensively while holding senior consulting positions with IBM Business Consulting Services and PricewaterhouseCoopers Consulting.

Andrew donates his time to charitable organizations such as Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto, where he is active in raising money for the hospital and developing the next generation of hospital leadership.

In this Book

  • Redefining Operational Excellence—New Strategies for Maximizing Performance and Profits Across the Organization
  • Introduction
  • The Need For A New Definition
  • Making Operational Excellence Happen
  • Attracting And Retaining Top Talent—Don’t Settle For Second Best
  • The Innovation Equation—The Importance Of Collaboration
  • Aligning Strategy And Tactics To Enhance Performance
  • Acquiring And Keeping The Customers You Want
  • Optimizing Speed Maximizes Profitability
  • Centers Of Excellence—Not So Much
  • Industry Perspectives
  • Getting Technology Out Of Your Way
  • A Bright Future With Operational Excellence
  • Are You On The Path To Operational Excellence?


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