Red Hat Linux Networking and System Administration
- 13h 34m
- Kurt Wall, Terry Collings
- John Wiley & Sons (US)
- 2002
This book is the book you need to run your business with Red Hat. It provides comprehensive coverage on how to manage and network the Red Hat Linux OS and step-by-step instructions needed to maintain and/or add to the Red Hat Linux system.
This book features an entire part on security and problem solving that covers detecting intrusions/hacking, implementing local security, firewalls, and Internet security. Other topics include: RAID; TCP/IP networking; connecting to Microsoft networks; connecting to Apple networks; the Red Hat network; upgrading and customizing the kernel; using scripts; backing up and restoring the file system.
About the Authors
Terry Collings has been working in the computer field since 1981 and has experience in all types of operating systems and their associated hardware. He has industry certifications in Novell, TCP/IP, MS Windows, and Unix. Terry's full-time job is at Muhlenberg College in Allentown, PA, where he is the school's Instructional Technologist. His main function in this position is assisting faculty in the use of computer technology to augment their classroom presentations. He is also the system administrator for the school's online course content management software. Terry also teaches a wide range of computer and technology-related courses in the evenings at Allentown Business School. Terry has been a technical editor for several Hungry Minds, Inc., books and is the co-author of the Linux Bible.
Kurt Wall first touched a computer in 1980 when he learned FORTRAN on an IBM mainframe of forgotten vintage; things have only gotten better since then. These days, Kurt is a full-time Linux and Unix author, editor, consultant, and programmer. He has written five books about Linux and Unix programming and system administration, is working on his sixth, and is the technical editor for over a dozen other Linux- and Unix-related titles. Currently, Kurt works from his home in Indianapolis.
In this Book
Red Hat Linux Networking and System Administration
Duties of the System Administrator
Planning the Network
Installing Red Hat Linux
Red Hat Linux File System
Red Hat System Configuration Files
TCP/IP Networking
The Network File System
The Network Information System
Connecting to Microsoft Networks
Connecting to Apple Networks
What are Internet Services?
The Domain Name System
Configuring FTP Services
Configuring Mail Services
Configuring a Web Server
Using the Red Hat Network
Upgrading and Customizing the Kernel
Configuring the System on the Command Line
Using Scripts to Automate Tasks
Performance Monitoring
Administering Users and Groups
Backing up and Restoring the File System
Installing and Upgrading Software Packages
Security Basics
Implementing Local Security
Firewalls and Internet Security
Detecting Intrusions
Troubleshooting and Problem Solving