Ready, Set, Curate

  • 1h 42m
  • Allison Anderson (eds), Ben Betts
  • Association for Talent Development
  • 2016

In our digital world we are content rich, but quality poor. Good content surrounds us, but it begs to be collected, transformed, and shared. And who better to distill and dismantle it for the benefit of learning communities than today’s learning and development professional?

Curation isn’t novel in itself, and there’s much to learn from the successes of others. News sites commonly curate stories adding their own analysis. Retailers and marketers crowdsource ideas from consumers. Businesses build curation strategies to leverage product reviews.

Ready, Set, Curate shows you how to elevate the most important content from an endless sea of learning information and offers strategies to better connect with your audience. Using case studies and relevant examples, eight curation experts share tips and best practices for creating a curation strategy and collecting content that is relevant to your learning communities.

About the Editors

Ben Betts is an entrepreneur, technologist, and social learning expert. He and his team at HT2 develop products and services for online learning. In his role as CEO of HT2, Ben developed the Curatr Social Learning platform and the open source learning record store Learning Locker.

Allison Anderson has a passion for creating compelling experiences for organizational learners. With more than 20 years' experience as a learning leader in higher education and the private sector, Allison's roles have included learning strategist at Intel Corporation and director of learning at ESCO in Portland, Oregon. With a focus on social and collaborative learning, learner experience, and strategic visions, her favorite projects include creating a staff and faculty training program for Lewis & Clark College and leading Intel's Learning Community of Practice.

In this Book

  • Ready, Set, Curate
  • Foreword
  • Introduction
  • From Content to Curation
  • Creating Your Curation Strategy
  • Case Study—Curating in the Corporation
  • The Knowledge-Curating Company
  • Collaborative Curation
  • Curating Formal Learning
  • Curation, Copyright, and the Creative Commons
  • Case Study—The Accidental Curator
  • The Future of Education