Radical Product Thinking: The New Mindset for Innovating Smarter
- 3h 19m
- R. Dutt
- Berrett-Koehler Publishers
- 2021
Iteration rules product development, but it isn’t enough to produce dramatic results. This book champions Radical Product Thinking, a systematic methodology for building visionary, game-changing products.
In the last decade, we’ve learned to harness the power of iteration to innovate faster—we’ve invested in a fast car, but our ability to set a clear destination and navigate to it hasn't kept up.
When we iterate without a clear vision or strategy, our products become bloated, fragmented, and driven by irrelevant metrics. They catch “product diseases” that often kill innovation.
Radical Product Thinking (RPT) gives organizations a repeatable model for building world-changing products. The key? Being vision-driven instead of iteration-led. R. Dutt guides readers through the five elements of the methodology (vision, strategy, prioritization, execution and measurement, and culture) to develop a clear process for translating vision into reality, and turning RPT skills into muscle memory.
This book offers refreshing solutions to the shortcomings of our current model for product development; be prepared to toss out everything you know about a good vision and learn how to measure progress to create revolutionary products. The best part? You don’t have to be a natural-born visionary to produce extraordinary results.
In this Book
Why We need Radical Product Thinking
Product Diseases: When Good Products go Bad
Vision: Envisioning Change
Strategy: Connecting the Why with the How
Prioritization: Bringing Balance to the Force
Execution and Measurement: Taking Action (Finally!)
Culture: Radical Product Thinking Your Organization
Digital Pollution: The Collateral Damage to Society
Ethics: The Hippocratic Oath of Product