Python Programming in Context, Fourth Edition

  • 13h 48m
  • Jon Anderson, PhD, Julie Anderson, MS
  • Jones and Bartlett Learning
  • 2025

Python Programming in Context, Fourth Edition provides a comprehensive and accessible introduction to Python fundamentals. Updated with Python 3.10, the Fourth Edition offers a thorough overview of multiple applied areas, including image processing, cryptography, astronomy, the Internet, and bioinformatics. Taking an active learning approach, each chapter starts with a comprehensive real-world project that teaches core design techniques and Python programming to immediately engage students. An ideal first language for learners entering the rapidly expanding fields of computer science, data science, and scientific programing, Python gives students a solid platform of key problem-solving skills that translate easily across programming languages. This text is designed to be a first course in computer science that focuses on problem-solving, with language features being introduced as needed to solve the problem at hand.

The Fourth Edition's emphasis on problem-solving, extrapolation, and the development of independent exploration and solution-building provides students with a unique and innovative approach to learning programming. While students solve problems of general interest, language elements are introduced with deliberate and incremental exposure to the fundamentals. Python Programming in Context, Fourth Edition is the ideal introductory text for those learning the Python language.

  • Completely UPDATED with the most up-to-date version of Python 3.10
  • "Good Programming Practice" boxes that provide problem-solving strategies, as well as tips for writing readable and maintainable code.
  • "Recap" boxes summarize important concepts.
  • "Heads Up" boxes alert students to possible pitfalls, and provide techniques for avoiding errors.
  • Python code is color-coded so students can better see syntax elements.
  • All sessions and listings in the book have been written using the popular and freely available Jupyter Notebook.
  • Instructor Resources include answers to chapter exercises, a test bank, and lecture outlines in PowerPoint format.

About the Author

Julie Anderson, MS - Rollins College

Julie A. Anderson has seventeen years of teaching experience, and is recently retired from Rollins College. She has co-authored college textbooks on Java and Python. She also has fifteen years of experience as a technology writer, editor, and columnist for computer publications with an emphasis on databases and programming. She began her computing career as a software developer. She holds a Master of Science degree in Computer Science from Johns Hopkins University.

In this Book

  • Introduction to Python: Introduction to Numeric Types, Turtle Graphics, Simple for Loops, and Functions
  • Playing by the Rules: Selection, Boolean Expressions, while Loops, an Introduction to Strings, Input, the print Function, and Random Numbers
  • Codes and Other Secrets: String Operators and Methods, the len Built-in Function, and Keyword Parameters
  • Introducing the Python Collections: Lists, Dictionaries, Tuples, and Statistics
  • Bigger Data: File I/O: String Formatting; Reading Data in Text, CSV, and JSON Formats; Using the pandas Library
  • Image Processing: Nested for Loops, Functions as Parameters, Namespaces, and Lists of Lists
  • Data Mining: Cluster Analysis: Data Mining Techniques Using Clustering
  • Cryptanalysis: Advanced Dictionaries and Lists; Regular Expressions
  • Fractals: The Geometry of Nature Recursion, Grammars, and Production Rules
  • Planet Objects: Creating Classes: Writing Constructors, Accessors, Mutators, and Special Methods
  • Simulation: Computer Simulation Using Objects
  • A Hierarchy of Shapes: Inheritance and Object-Oriented Design
  • Interactive Games: Multithreading, Event Handlers, and Static Variables and Static Methods


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