Pursuing Perfect Service: Using a Practical Approach to Lean Six Sigma to Improve the Customer Experience and Reduce Costs in Service Industries

  • 6h 54m
  • Jaideep Motwani, Rob Ptacek
  • MCS Media, Inc.
  • 2011

Pursuing Perfect Service is a comprehensive and detailed set of instructions on how to implement Lean and Six Sigma tools and concepts in a variety of environments. It will provide the solid foundation upon which Lean Sigma tools can be applied in any service organization. Service providers are continually processing daily requests and must know how to identify client needs and expectations, how to best satisfy their needs, and how to do it at the lowest possible cost. This book is a step-by-step implementation guide for continuous improvement while creating a solid foundation upon which to build a service excellence culture. Pursuing Perfect Service also provides insights and examples on how Information Technology can be used to improve data and information flow to enhance the overall client experience, while ensuring organizational profitability.

This book has been arranged into four distinct parts. To transform an organization from a traditional service provider to a Lean Sigma for Service Excellence provider, it is recommended that the book be followed in order, from Part One to Part Four. However, it may be useful to review Chapter 10, Transformation Case Study, as it chronicles one company's journey using this approach or methodology.

About the Authors

Rob Ptacek is President and CEO of Competitive Edge Training and Consulting, a rm specializing in leader and organizational development, and Lean Enterprise transformations. He holds an engineering degree from Michigan Technological University, and Masters of Management from Aquinas College. Mr. Ptacek is an adjunct instructor of Management Principles, Total Quality Management, and Lean Champion Certication. He has extensive experience implementing continuous improvements in a variety of industries in North America, Asia, and Europe.

Dr. Jaideep Motwani is Chair and Professor of Management at the Seidman College of Business, Grand Valley State University since 2000. Since completing his Ph.D. in 1990, Jaideep has co-authored a dozen books and published more than 170 articles in prestigious national and international journals. He appears in several Who s Who in the World publications annually and is the recipient of the Michigan Outstanding Educator s Award granted by the Governor of Michigan. Jaideep is also an active global consultant and trainer for several multinational corporations.

In this Book

  • Publisher's Message
  • Understanding Service: The New Economic Landscape
  • Understanding Lean Sigma: A New Way to Look at Things
  • Understanding the Lean Sigma for Service Excellence Journey: Every Journey Begins with the First Step
  • Define Phase: Achieve Alignment on What to Improve
  • Measure Phase: Speaking with Data
  • Analyze Phase: Making the Data Speak to Everyone
  • Improve Phase: Determining What to Change and How to do it
  • Control Phase: Sustaining the Gains
  • Sustainability (or Becoming Green): Becoming "Green" with Lean Sigma
  • Transformation Case Study: Getting the Big Picture