Public Speaking in a Week: Presentation Skills in Seven Simple Steps

  • 1h 41m
  • Matt Avery
  • Hodder & Stoughton Ltd
  • 2016

Sunday: Write a speech to which people will want to listen that is well-researched, uses stimulating content and is tailored to the needs of the audience

Monday: Learn how to use effective speaking techniques such as projection, commanding the space and interaction with your audience

Tuesday: Discover more advanced public speaking techniques such as using audio and visual aids, varying your pace, and adding tone and inflection

Wednesday: Ensure you are fully prepared through memorizing key points and rehearsing with others

Thursday: Control your nerves with relaxation techniques and confidence tricks of the trade

Friday: Engage with your audience by keeping to your script, making eye contact and varying your delivery

Saturday: Understand the common mistakes to avoid so that you won't lose your audience's attention

In this Book

  • Sunday—Writing your Speech
  • Monday—The Basics of Public Speaking
  • Tuesday—Advanced Public Speaking Techniques
  • Wednesday—Delivering your Speech with Maximum Impact
  • Thursday—Practising your Speech
  • Friday—Dealing with Nervse
  • Saturday—Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them


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