Project Risk Management: Managing Software Development Risk

  • 5h 16m
  • Kurt J. Engemann, Rory V. O'Connor
  • De Gruyter Inc
  • 2021

Managing risk is essential for every organization. However, significant opportunities may be lost by concentrating on the negative aspects of risk without bearing in mind the positive attributes. The objective of Project Risk Management: Managing Software Development Risk is to provide a distinct approach to a broad range of risks and rewards associated with the design, development, implementation and deployment of software systems.

The traditional perspective of software development risk is to view risk as a negative characteristic associated with the impact of potential threats. The perspective of this book is to explore a more discerning view of software development risks, including the positive aspects of risk associated with potential beneficial opportunities. A balanced approach requires that software project managers approach negative risks with a view to reduce the likelihood and impact on a software project, and approach positive risks with a view to increase the likelihood of exploiting opportunities.

Project Risk Management: Managing Software Development Risk explores software development risk both from a technological and business perspective. Issues regarding strategies for software development are discussed and topics including risks related to technical performance, outsourcing, cybersecurity, scheduling, quality, costs, opportunities and competition are presented. Bringing together concepts across the broad spectrum of software engineering with a project management perspective, this volume represents both a professional and scholarly perspective on the topic.

Separates risk into two viewpoints: Positive Risk - an opportunity to the project – and Negative Risk - a threat to the project, which is a unique approach.

About the Author

Kurt J. Engemann, Iona College, USA; Rory V. O'Connor, Dublin City University, Ireland

In this Book

  • Advances in Project Risk Management
  • Managing Risks and Opportunities in Cyber-Physical Systems with Software Architecture Assessments
  • Managing Software Development Risk: Risks of Introducing the Role of Agile Coach – A Multivocal Literature Review
  • The Role of DMSS Analytics Tools in Software Project Risk Management
  • Managing Layers of Risk: Uncertainty in Large Development Programs Combining Agile Software Development and Traditional Project Management
  • A Knowledge-Based Risk Management Approach for Scrum Software Development Projects
  • Managing Bias Risk in Algorithms and Decision Models
  • Interactional Motifs: Leveraging Risks in Large and Distributed Software Development Teams
  • Risk-Based Security Engineering
  • Location-Based Access Control Enforcement
  • Information Security Management in the Cloud Computing Environment
  • A Process Framework for Integrated Risk Management in IT
  • Embracing Risk to Gain Competitive Advantage
  • Developments in Managing and Exploiting Risk