Project Planning and Scheduling

  • 1h 27m
  • Gregory T. Haugan
  • Berrett-Koehler Publishers
  • 2002

The ability to plan and schedule effectively is critical to a project’s success. Project Planning and Scheduling provides project managers and project planners with comprehensive and detailed descriptions of planning and scheduling tools and techniques and their application. A step-by-step approach to developing project plans and schedules, as well as advanced and corporate-level planning and scheduling techniques, are included. The author guides project managers in achieving success on multimillion dollar projects involving thousands of people as well as small projects involving just a few people.

About the Author

Gregory T. Haugan, Ph.D., PMP, has been a Vice President with GLH Incorporated for the past 16 years, specializing in project management consulting and training. He has more than 40 years of experience as a consultant and as a government and private sector official in the planning, scheduling, management, and operation of projects of all sizes, as well as in the development and implementation of project management and information systems. Dr. Haugan received his Ph.D. from the American University, his MBA from St. Louis University, and his BSME from the Illinois Institute of Technology.

In this Book

  • Introduction to Project Planning and Scheduling
  • Concepts and Tools of Planning and Scheduling
  • Steps in Project Planning and Scheduling
  • Advanced Planning and Scheduling Considerations
  • Summary and Checklist


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