Project Manager Competency Development (PMCD) Framework, Second Edition

  • 1h 15m
  • Project Management Institute
  • Project Management Institute
  • 2007

Project Manager Competency Development (PMCD) Framework – Second Edition provides general context for the definition, assessment and development of project manager competency. The framework outlines the key dimensions of project management competency and identifies those competencies that are most likely to impact project manager performance.

Project manager competency consists of three separate dimensions:

  • Knowledge – what a project manager knows about the application of processes, tools and techniques in project activities
  • Performance – how a project manager applies project management knowledge to meet project requirements
  • Personal – how a project manager behaves when performing activities in a project environment

In order to be recognized as fully competent, a project manager must satisfy each of these three dimensions. An individual can demonstrate knowledge competency by obtaining an appropriately credentialed assessment, such as the Project Management Professional (PMP) credential. Since the elements of knowledge competency are detailed in the PMP Examination Specification, the PMCD Framework focuses on the assessment of Performance and Personal competencies.

The PMCD Framework is designed to cover a range of competencies needed by project managers and to apply generically, regardless of the nature, type, size or complexity of the projects being managed. The broad nature of the standard is necessary to ensure that project management competency in individuals is transferable across industries and that industries and organizations can use the PMCD Framework to develop industry and organization-specific competency models.

The standard includes a section outlining the creation of an organizational Competence Development Process, which can be used for the continuous evaluation and development of project management competency for individuals within an organization. The section provides example illustrations and suggestions on ways to tailor a Competence Development Process to an organization’s industry or technology-specific requirements.

PMCD Framework was first released in 2002, to provide both individuals and organizations with guidance on how to assess, plan and manage the professional development of a project manager.

PMCD Framework serves as a reference tool for project managers and their superiors, as well as for those responsible for the identification or development of project managers, such as educators, trainers, consultants and human resource professionals.

The Project Manager Competency Development (PMCD) Framework – Second Edition is consistent with the current release of A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide)—Third Edition and draws upon the PMP Examination Specification as a point of reference. In keeping with the Project Management Institute’s (PMI) dedication to help the profession remain current and competitive, this publication is updated periodically as part of the organization’s planned evolution of its standards documents.

In this Book

  • Project Manager Competency Development (PMCD) Framework, Second Edition
  • Preface to the Second Edition
  • Introduction
  • Performance Competencies
  • Personal Competencies
  • Developing Competence as a Project Manager
  • Second Edition Changes
  • Evolution of the PMCD Framework
  • Contributors and Reviewers of the Project Manager Competency Development Framework— Second Edition
  • References


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