Project Management Training

  • 2h 28m
  • Bill Shackelford
  • Association for Talent Development
  • 2004

Project Management Training offers an easy-to-use methodology for project management training that recognizes nearly everyone is a project manager. The book will show you how to minimize project management failures and reveal the secrets of how to train an organization filled with "project-oriented thinkers." These materials are included in self-contained content modules and learning experiences, tools, and training instrument that can be used to produce stand-alone project management training or training that will be incorporated into other broader training agendas.

About the Author

For the past 21 years Bill Shackelford has been president of Shackelford & Associates, a company specializing in training and development in project management, customer relationship management, information technology, business process training, systems design, systems development and support, and—for the past several years—e-learning. Shackelford’s wide experience as a standup trainer has encompassed all major Microsoft operating systems and applications, including Microsoft Project, Web-based publishing design, database language products, object oriented programming, project management, database design, and data and process modeling. In addition, the company has developed systems ranging from membership management systems for national association to a student financial aid needs analysis system to group insurance billing and receivable systems, and collection systems.

In this Book

  • Introduction—How to Use This Book Effectively
  • Project Management for Everyone
  • Getting a Reading on Your Project Management Training Needs
  • Designing Your Project Management Training
  • Facilitating Your Project Management Training
  • Evaluating Your Project Management Training
  • Half-Day Session—Project Management Overview
  • Full-Day Session—Project Management Jump-Start
  • Two-Day Session—Project Management Essentials
  • Topic Modules
  • Learning Activities and Training Instruments
  • Project Management Training Instruments