Professional Java for Web Applications

  • 17h 1m
  • Nick Williams
  • John Wiley & Sons (US)
  • 2014

This guide shows Java software developers and software engineers how to build complex web applications in an enterprise environment. You'll begin with an introduction to the Java Enterprise Edition and the basic web application, then set up a development application server environment, learn about the tools used in the development process, and explore numerous Java technologies and practices. The book covers industry-standard tools and technologies, specific technologies, and underlying programming concepts.

  • Java is an essential programming language used worldwide for both Android app development and enterprise-level corporate solutions
  • As a step-by-step guide or a general reference, this book provides an all-in-one Java development solution
  • Explains Java Enterprise Edition 7 and the basic web application, how to set up a development application server environment, which tools are needed during the development process, and how to apply various Java technologies
  • Covers new language features in Java 8, such as Lambda Expressions, and the new Java 8 Date & Time API introduced as part of JSR 310, replacing the legacy Date and Calendar APIs
  • Demonstrates the new, fully-duplex WebSocket web connection technology and its support in Java EE 7, allowing the reader to create rich, truly interactive web applications that can push updated data to the client automatically
  • Instructs the reader in the configuration and use of Log4j 2.0, Spring Framework 4 (including Spring Web MVC), Hibernate Validator, RabbitMQ, Hibernate ORM, Spring Data, Hibernate Search, and Spring Security
  • Covers application logging, JSR 340 Servlet API 3.1, JSR 245 JavaServer Pages (JSP) 2.3 (including custom tag libraries), JSR 341 Expression Language 3.0, JSR 356 WebSocket API 1.0, JSR 303/349 Bean Validation 1.1, JSR 317/338 Java Persistence API (JPA) 2.1, full-text searching with JPA, RESTful and SOAP web services, Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), and OAuth

Professional Java for Web Applications is the complete Wrox guide for software developers who are familiar with Java and who are ready to build high-level enterprise Java web applications.

About the Author

Nicholas S. Williams is a recognized expert in Java and related technologies. In 2010, he was named Software Engineer of the Year for Middle Tennessee. Nick participates extensively in the Open Source community, contributing bug fixes, new features, and documentation to projects like Apache Log4J, Apache Tomcat, Jackson Mapper, Spring Framework, and Spring Security.

In this Book

  • Introducing Java Platform, Enterprise Edition
  • Using Web Containers
  • Writing Your First Servlet
  • Using JSPs to Display Content
  • Maintaining State Using Sessions
  • Using the Expression Language in JSPs
  • Using the Java Standard Tag Library
  • Writing Custom Tag and Function Libraries
  • Improving Your Application Using Filters
  • Making Your Application Interactive with WebSockets
  • Using Logging to Monitor Your Application
  • Introducing Spring Framework
  • Replacing Your Servlets with Controllers
  • Using Services and Repositories to Support Your Controllers
  • Internationalizing Your Application with Spring Framework i18n
  • Using JSR 349, Spring Framework, and Hibernate Validator for Bean Validation
  • Creating Restful and SOAP Web Services
  • Using Messaging and Clustering for Flexibility and Reliability
  • Introducing Java Persistence API and Hibernate ORM
  • Mapping Entities to Tables with JPA Annotations
  • Using JPA in Spring Framework Repositories
  • Eliminating Boilerplate Repositories with Spring Data JPA
  • Searching for Data with JPA and Hibernate Search
  • Creating Advanced Mappings and Custom Data Types
  • Introducing Spring Security
  • Authenticating Users with Spring Security
  • Using Authorization Tags and Annotations
  • Securing Restful Web Services with OAuth