Product Release Planning: Methods, Tools and Applications

  • 5h 1m
  • Günther Ruhe
  • CRC Press
  • 2010
  • Defines release planning, highlights its importance, and dispels misconceptions about it
  • Presents in-depth modeling options related to business, resource, risk, and technological constraints
  • Provides a highly flexible, customizable method for conducting systematic release planning called EVOLVE II
  • Supplies a method for re-planning the ongoing release, trying to accommodate changes in the best possible way
  • Covers release planning software such as VeryBestChoiceLight, ReleasePlanner™, and RASORP and includes public logins to two web-based tools, allowing readers to independently experience their functionality
  • Contains case studies and application scenarios that give further insight into the practical realization of the proposed methods
  • Details operational instructions on how to start the process of product release planning

Business success hinges on successfully creating products with the right features. You must correctly analyze the needs of the customer and match these needs with your resources to not only produce a product and but also deliver it in a timely manner. An in-depth understanding of systematic release planning can put you on this path. Authored by renowned expert Günther Ruhe, Product Release Planning: Methods, Tools and Applications presents methods and tools to apply sound planning to product development and product management.

The book covers the different aspects of supporting product release decisions ranging from foundations to methods, tools, and applications. Equal parts art and science, the actual decision-making is described as a process of combining rigorous methods with the intuition and experience of human experts. Ruhe provides a guided tour through the methodology and use of release planning, starting with technology and market needs and proceeding to product planning and finally to development projects. He studies three fundamental classes of problems: prioritization of features, product release planning on a strategic level (roadmapping), and release planning on an operational level (staffing).

Presenting and discussing tool support for all the methods covered, the author supplies case studies that underpin the methodologies with practical examples. He also supplies trial accounts (read only) for the two most important decision tools for prioritization and product release planning. The author freely admits that the techniques presented are not supposed to be the ultimate truth, but a direction to go to support human decision-making, to better understand the rational of the decisions made, and to grow in the capability of mastering the whole planning process.

About the Author

Günther Ruhe holds an Industrial Research Chair in Software Engineering at University of Calgary. His main results and publications are in software engineering decision support, product release planning, project management, as well as measurement, simulation, optimization and empirical research for software-based systems. From 1996 until 2001 he was deputy director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering in Kaiserslautern, Germany. He has comprehensive experience in industry collaboration projects and is the Founder and CEO of Expert Decisions Inc. Dr. Ruhe is a member of the ACM, the IEEE Computer Society and the German Computer Society GI.

In this Book

  • Overview and Introduction
  • Decisions and How to Make Them
  • Features and Their Prioritization
  • Planning for Product Releases: An Overview
  • Modeling for Product Release Planning
  • Evolve II: A Systematic Method for Planning Product Releases
  • Re-Planning of Product Releases
  • Staffing for Product Releases
  • Advanced Topics
  • Tool Support
  • Case Study: Product Roadmapping
  • Case Study: Staffing for Product Releases
  • Case Study: Adaptable Project Management
  • Application Scenarios
  • How to Get it Started