Product Development and Management Body of Knowledge: A Guidebook for Product Innovation Training and Certification, Third Edition

  • 8h 18m
  • Allan Anderson, Chad McAllister, Ernie Harris
  • John Wiley & Sons (US)
  • 2024

Fully-updated Third Edition of the leading study resource for PDMA’s New Product Development Professional certification exam

The newly revised and updated Third Edition of PDMA Body of Knowledge (BoK) provides a singular reference for anyone currently involved in, or planning a career in product management and product innovation. It describes a proven framework for product innovation which is applicable to a wide cross-section of product and service industries at various levels of an organization. It is also the basis for candidates studying for PDMA’s New Product Development Professional (NPDP) certification examination. The guide is divided into seven chapters, consistent with the seven product innovation topics used as a basis for the NPDP examination: management, strategy, portfolio, process, design and development, market research, and culture & teams.

PDMA Body of Knowledge includes detailed coverage of topics including:

  • The key factors that lead to successful product innovation management.
  • The importance of strategy to product innovation success, hierarchy of strategies, and establishing the organization’s direction via vision, mission, values, and more.
  • The role of portfolio management in selection of the right product innovation projects for an organization.
  • Description of various product innovation processes and the pros and cons of each.
  • The application of tools and techniques at various stages of the design and development process.
  • The application of market research throughout product innovation.
  • The importance of the right culture and team development.

The material provided can be applied to the full range of product development projects included in most company portfolios, such as new products or services, line extensions, cost reductions, and product or service improvements.

This newly revised and updated Third Edition includes new case studies, examples, and chapter exercises, along with sample NPDP examination questions.

PDMA Body of Knowledge is an essential study resource for those studying for PDMA’s NPDP exam. The text is also highly valuable to product management professionals, consultants, instructors, and students seeking to increase their knowledge base.

The Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) is a global community of thousands of members whose skills, expertise, and experience power the most recognized and respected innovative companies in the world. PDMA’s unique triad of members include product development and management practitioners, academics, and service providers in a variety of industries and knowledge areas, including new product process, strategy innovation, market research, tools and metrics, organizational issues, and portfolio management.

About the Author

The Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) is a global community of thousands of members whose skills, expertise, and experience power the most recognized and respected innovative companies in the world. PDMA's unique triad of members include product development and management practitioners, academics, and service providers in a variety of industries and knowledge areas, including new product process, strategy innovation, market research, tools and metrics, organizational issues, and portfolio management.

In this Book

  • Introduction—The Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) is Proud to Introduce the 3rd Edition of Its Body of Knowledge (BoK).
  • Product Innovation Management: Maximizing the Return From Product Innovation Through Application of Sound Management Practices Throughout the Product Life Cycle
  • Product Innovation Strategy:Provides the Context, Goals, and Direction for Product Innovation and Ongoing Product Management
  • Product Innovation Portfolio:Establishes and Maintains an Appropriate Balance of New and Existing Product Innovation Projects Aligned With the Business and Innovation Strategies
  • Product Innovation Process:Provides an Approach, which is Commonly Understood and Accepted by the Whole Organization, for Successfully and Sustainably Developing New Products or Making Improvements to Existing Products
  • Product Innovation Design & Development:Required to Facilitate Efficient and Effective Evolution of a Product from Initial Idea Through to a Developed, Manufacture and “Market‐Ready” Form.
  • Product Innovation Market Research:Required to Provide Market‐Related Information and Data to Underpin Decision‐Making in All Aspects of Strategy Development, Portfolio Management, the Product Innovation Process, and Life Cycle Management
  • Product Innovation Culture and Teams:Essential to Forming and Maintaining an Innovative Environment That Enables, Encourages, and Rewards Product Innovation Processes and Practices.