Pro WordPress Theme Development

  • 9h 25m
  • Adam Onishi
  • Apress
  • 2013

Pro WordPress Theme Development is your comprehensive guide to creating advanced WordPress themes. Designed for for professional web designers and developers who are comfortable with PHP and WordPress, this book teaches you every aspect of professional theme development.

You will learn how to build themes from scratch, how to monetize the themes you create, and how to capitalize on this by creating advanced themes for your clients or selling premium themes. This book builds on your current knowledge of PHP and web development to create a WordPress theme from scratch. It uses a real-world theme example that you can build, to demonstrate each feature in a practical way. It shows you how to take control of WordPress with custom posts types and taxonomies, and covers anatomy and hierarchy, use of the loop, hooks, short codes, plug-ins and much more.

WordPress is one of the most successful open-source blogging and content management systems available, and theme development has become a major part of the WordPress ecosystem. Start working with WordPress themes like a pro today withPro WordPress Theme Development.

What you’ll learn

  • How to create a WordPress theme from scratch
  • How to use the WordPress system to your advantage to create amazing advanced functionality
  • How to earn money through selling your custom themes
  • How to take control of WordPress as a content management system with custom posts types and taxonomies
  • How you should secure your WordPress theme to give peace of mind to your user

About the Author

Adam Onishi is a professional web developer now living and working in London, England. His love of WordPress began at his first agency in Oxford developing custom themes for clients. Since then he has produced 100s of themes to varying degrees of client requirement and over the years learned how to get the best out of the open source content management system that powers millions of websites across the world.

In this Book

  • Getting Started
  • Theme Anatomy and Template Hierarchy
  • Content Options and the Loop
  • Using Custom Post Types
  • Creating Custom Taxonomies and Fields
  • Customize with Hooks, Shortcodes, and Widgets
  • Theme Options and the Theme Customizer
  • Users, Roles, and Capabilities
  • Plugins: When the Time Is Right
  • Security and Performance
  • Distributing Your Theme
  • Extending Your Theme
  • Plugin Development
  • WordPress Multisite