Pro Windows 8 Development with HTML5 and JavaScript

  • 14h 9m
  • Adam Freeman
  • Apress
  • 2012

Metro applications are at the heart of Windows 8, bringing rich and engaging applications to both tablet and desktop users. Metro uses the Windows Runtime, a complete reimagining of Windows development that supports multiple programming languages and is built on HTML5, CSS and JavaScript. Metro applications are the future of Windows development and JavaScript is perfect language to take advantage of this exciting and flexible environment.

Seasoned author Adam Freeman explains how to get the most from Metro, WinRT and Windows 8 by focusing on the features you need for your project. He starts with the nuts-and-bolts and shows you everything through to advanced features, going in-depth to give you the knowledge you need. Getting the most from Metro is essential to truly mastering Windows 8 development.

Each topic is covered clearly and concisely and is packed with the details you need to learn to be truly effective with Metro. The most important features are given a no-nonsense in-depth treatment and chapters contain examples that demonstrate both the power and the subtlety of Windows 8, Windows Runtime and Javascript.

What you’ll learn

  • Understand what Metro and WinRT are capable of and why they are special
  • Use advanced Metro features to create immersive and engaging Windows 8 applications
  • Creating applications that work seamlessly on tablets and desktops
  • Use cutting-edge features like WebSockets and Cloud Computing
  • Prepare and deploy your Metro applications
  • Unit test, debug and performance-tune Metro applications

About the Author

Adam Freeman is an experienced IT professional who has held senior positions in a range of companies, most recently serving as chief technology officer and chief operating officer of a global bank.

In this Book

  • Putting Windows 8 in Context
  • Getting Started
  • Your First Windows 8 App
  • Completing the App
  • The Single-Page Model
  • Creating an Adaptive Layout
  • Commands & Navigation
  • View Models & Data Binding
  • Using Promises
  • Creating the UI Controls Example Framework
  • Using the ToggleSwitch, Rating and Tooltip Controls
  • Using the Time/Date Pickers & Flyouts
  • Using Menus & Dialogs
  • Using the FlipView Control
  • Using the ListView Control
  • Using Semantic Zoom
  • Using Pointers & Gestures
  • Using Animations & Utilities
  • Understanding the App Lifecycle
  • Working with Settings & App Data
  • The Search Contract
  • Working with Files
  • Integrating File Services
  • The File Activation & Picker Contracts
  • The Sharing Contract
  • The AutoPlay, Protocol Activation and Print Contracts
  • Working with App Tiles
  • Using Toast and the System Launcher
  • Working with Sensors
  • Creating an App to Publish
  • Windows Store Integration
  • Selling Upgrades
  • Publishing to the Windows Store