Pro Spring 5: An In-Depth Guide to the Spring Framework and Its Tools, Fifth Edition

  • 11h 55m
  • Chris Schaefer, Clarence Ho, Iuliana Cosmina, Rob Harrop
  • Apress
  • 2017

Master Spring basics and core topics, and share the authors’ insights and real–world experiences with remoting, Hibernate, and EJB. Beyond the basics, you'll learn how to leverage the Spring Framework to build the various tiers and parts of an enterprise Java application: transactions, web and presentation tiers, deployment, and much more. A full sample application allows you to apply many of the technologies and techniques covered in Pro Spring 5 and see how they work together.

This book updates the perennial bestseller with the latest that the new Spring Framework 5 has to offer. Now in its fifth edition, this popular title is by far the most comprehensive and definitive treatment of Spring available. It covers the new functional web framework and interoperability with Java 9.

After reading this definitive book, you'll be armed with the power of Spring to build complex Spring applications, top to bottom.

The agile, lightweight, open-source Spring Framework continues to be the de facto leading enterprise Java application development framework for today's Java programmers and developers. It works with other leading open-source, agile, and lightweight Java technologies such as Hibernate, Groovy, MyBatis, and more. Spring now works with Java EE and JPA 2 as well.

What You'll Learn

  • Discover what’s new in Spring Framework 5
  • Use the Spring Framework with Java 9
  • Master data access and transactions
  • Work with the new functional web framework
  • Create microservices and other web services

Who This Book Is For

Experienced Java and enterprise Java developers and programmers. Some experience with Spring highly recommended.

About the Authors

Iuliana Cosmina is a Spring Certified Web Developer and is also Spring Certified Core Spring Professional. She is a Spring certified expert, as defined by Pivotal, the makers of Spring Framework, Boot and other tools. She has authored books with Apress on Core Spring certification and Spring Certified web development. She is a software architect at Bearing Point Software and is an active coder and software contributor on GitHub, StackOverFlow and more.

Rob Harrop is a software consultant specializing in delivering high-performance, highly-scalable enterprise applications. He is an experienced architect with a particular flair for understanding and solving complex design issues. With a thorough knowledge of both Java and .NET, Harrop has successfully deployed projects across both platforms. He also has extensive experience across a variety of sectors, retail and government in particular. Harrop is the author of five books, including Pro Spring, a widely-acclaimed, comprehensive resource on the Spring Framework.

Chris Schaefer is a Principle Software Developer for Spring project at Pivotal, the makers of Spring Framework, Boot and other Spring tools.

Clarence Ho is the Senior Java Architect of a HK-based software consultancy firm, SkywideSoft Technology Limited. Having been worked in the IT field for over 20 years, Clarence had been the team leader of many in-house application development projects, as well as providing consultancy services on enterprise solutions to clients.

In this Book

  • Introducing Spring
  • Getting Started
  • Introducing IoC and DI in Spring
  • Spring Configuration in Detail and Spring Boot
  • Introducing Spring AOP
  • Spring JDBC Support
  • Using Hibernate in Spring
  • Data Access in Spring with JPA2
  • Transaction Management
  • Validation with Type Conversion and Formatting
  • Task Scheduling
  • Using Spring Remoting
  • Spring Testing
  • Scripting Support in Spring
  • Application Monitoring
  • Web Applications
  • WebSocket
  • Spring Projects: Batch, Integration, XD, and More