Pro Oracle SQL Development: Best Practices for Writing Advanced Queries

  • 9h 24m
  • Jon Heller
  • Apress
  • 2019

Write SQL statements that are more powerful, simpler, and faster using Oracle SQL and its full range of features. This book provides a clearer way of thinking about SQL by building sets, and provides practical advice for using complex features while avoiding anti-patterns that lead to poor performance and wrong results. Relevant theories, real-world best practices, and style guidelines help you get the most out of Oracle SQL.

Pro Oracle SQL Development is for anyone who already knows Oracle SQL and is ready to take their skills to the next level. Many developers, analysts, testers, and administrators use Oracle databases frequently, but their queries are limited because they do not have the knowledge, experience, or right environment to help them take full advantage of Oracle’s advanced features. This book will inspire you to achieve more with your Oracle SQL statements through tips for creating your own style for writing simple, yet powerful, SQL. It teaches you how to think about and solve performance problems in Oracle SQL, and covers advanced topics and shows you how to become an Oracle expert.

What You'll Learn

  • Understand the power of Oracle SQL and where to apply it
  • Create a database development environment that is simple, scalable, and conducive to learning
  • Solve complex problems that were previously solved in a procedural language
  • Write large Oracle SQL statements that are powerful, simple, and fast
  • Apply coding styles to make your SQL statements more readable
  • Tune large Oracle SQL statements to eliminate and avoid performance problems

Who This Book Is For

Developers, testers, analysts, and administrators who want to harness the full power of Oracle SQL to solve their problems as simply and as quickly as possible. For traditional database professionals the book offers new ways of thinking about the language they have used for so long. For modern full stack developers the book explains how a database can be much more than simply a place to store data.

About the Author

Jon Heller is an expert SQL and PL/SQL programmer with 17 years of Oracle experience. During that time he has worked as a database analyst, developer, and administrator. In his spare time he is active on Stack Overflow where he is a top user in the Oracle and PL/SQL tags. He enjoys creating open source software for Oracle, such as the remote execution program Method5. He has a master of computer science degree from North Carolina State University and lives in Iowa with his wife and two sons.

In this Book

  • Understand Relational Databases
  • Create an Efficient Database Development Process
  • Increase Confidence and Knowledge with Testing
  • Find Reliable Sources
  • Master the Entire Stack
  • Build Sets with Inline Views and ANSI Join Syntax
  • Query the Database with Advanced SELECT Features
  • Modify Data with Advanced DML
  • Improve the Database with Advanced Oracle Schema Objects
  • Optimize the Database with Oracle Architecture
  • Stop Coding and Start Writing
  • Write Large SQL Statements
  • Write Beautiful SQL Statements
  • Use SQL More Often with Basic Dynamic SQL
  • Avoid Anti-Patterns
  • Understand SQL Performance with Algorithm Analysis
  • Understand SQL Tuning Theories
  • Improve SQL Performance
  • Solve Challenging Problems with Arcane SQL Features
  • Use SQL More Often with Advanced Dynamic SQL
  • Level Up Your Skills with PL/SQL


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