Pro Entity Framework Core 2 for ASP.NET Core MVC

  • 8h 48m
  • Adam Freeman
  • Apress
  • 2018

Model, map, and access data effectively with Entity Framework Core 2, the latest evolution of Microsoft’s object-relational mapping framework. You will access data utilizing .NET objects via the most common data access layer used in ASP.NET Core MVC 2 projects.

Best-selling author Adam Freeman explains how to get the most from Entity Framework Core 2 in MVC projects. He begins by describing the different ways that Entity Framework Core 2 can model data and the different types of databases that can be used. He then shows you how to use Entity Framework Core 2 in your own MVC projects, starting from the nuts and bolts and building up to the most advanced and sophisticated features, going in-depth to give you the knowledge you need. Chapters include common problems and how to avoid them.

What You’ll Learn

  • Gain a solid architectural understanding of Entity Framework Core 2
  • Create databases using your MVC data model
  • Create MVC models using an existing database
  • Access data in an MVC application using Entity Framework Core 2
  • Use Entity Framework in RESTful Web Services

Who This Book Is For

ASP.NET Core MVC 2 developers who want to use Entity Framework Core 2 as the data access layer in their projects

About the Author

Adam Freeman is an experienced IT professional who has held senior positions in a range of companies, most recently serving as chief technology officer and chief operating officer of a global bank. Now retired, he spends his time writing and long-distance running.

In this Book

  • Entity Framework Core in Context
  • Your First Entity Framework Core Application
  • Working with Databases
  • SportsStore: A Real (Data) Application
  • SportsStore: Storing Data
  • SportsStore: Modifying and Deleting Data
  • SportsStore: Expanding the Model
  • SportsStore: Scaling Up
  • SportsStore: Customer Features
  • SportsStore: Creating a RESTful Web Service
  • Working with Entity Framework Core
  • Performing Data Operations
  • Understanding Migrations
  • Creating Data Relationships
  • Working with Relationships Part 1
  • Working with Relationship Part 2
  • Scaffolding an Existing Database
  • Manually Modeling a Database
  • Working with Keys
  • Queries
  • Storing Data
  • Deleting Data
  • Using Database Server Features
  • Using Transactions