Pro Eclipse JST: Plug-ins for J2EE Development

  • 5h 20m
  • Christopher M. Judd, Hakeem Shittu
  • Apress
  • 2005

The open source Eclipse has proven to be a best-of-class, extensible application development framework. Out of the zip file, Eclipse offers many tools for developing Java applications including wizards, unit testing, debuggers, and editors. However, these tools do not support the development of enterprise applications.

Up until this point, an enterprise developer using Eclipse had to spend a large amount of time locating and evaluating plug-ins to build a suite of enterprise tools. The Eclipse Web Tools project has changed that by providing a comprehensive tools kit for developing enterprise applications called the J2EE Standard Tools (JST). JST along with WST (Web Standard Tools) will make Eclipse a much more complete application development framework for Java developers.

Pro Eclipse JST will cover these J2EE Standard Tools in detail. It's essentially a wide range of plug-ins for developing and integrating Servlets, JSPs, EJBs, and more that most other enterprise Java developers use on a daily basis into the Eclipse framework and IDE for use and professional practice.

About the Authors

Christopher M. Judd is the president and primary consultant for Judd Solutions, LLC., international speaker, open source evangelist, Central Ohio Java Users Group coordinator, and coauthor of Enterprise Java Development on a Budget, as well as author of the children’s book Bearable Moments. He has spent ten years developing software in the insurance, retail, government, manufacturing, service, and transportation industries. His current focus is consulting, mentoring, and training with Java, J2EE, J2ME, Web Services, and related technologies.

Hakeem Shittu is currently a senior enterprise programmer for Compuware where he designs and develops software using J2EE technologies. He also manages Gen!x, a software consulting and technology training outfit. Hakeem has seven years of software development experience in such industries as defense, transportation, biogenetics, and telecommunication.

In this Book

  • J2EE Specification
  • Eclipse Plug-in Paradigm
  • Eclipse Web Tools Platform Project
  • Introduction to JST
  • Introduction to WST
  • Eclipse Web Tools Installation
  • J2EE Standard Tools Projects
  • Session Beans
  • Entity Beans
  • Message-Driven Beans
  • EJB Packaging and Deployment
  • JavaServer Pages
  • Servlets
  • Web Packaging and Deployment
  • Web Services
  • Relational Databases