Preparing Faculty for Technology Dependency in the Post-COVID-19 Era

  • 7h 12m
  • Papia Bawa
  • IGI Global
  • 2022

To cope with the pandemic, many educational institutions in the United States have resorted to emergency remote teaching (ERT). Distance/online learning is a complex process in terms of the design, analysis, and time taken to develop and implement courses and programs. Having been around for decades, it has evolved and morphed into a multidimensional procedure that needs meticulous planning, evolution, and evaluation. It provides meaningful learning experiences to students who may not otherwise have the option to attend college. Students of distance/online courses and programs usually choose to join voluntarily, and designers of such programs purposefully plan for them to be online from the start. In contrast, ERT is an emergency/crisis-based need to move teaching and learning to alternative environments until the crisis is averted or ended.

Preparing Faculty for Technology Dependency in the Post-COVID-19 Era is a comprehensive guide that focuses on preparing pre-service teachers, in-service teachers, and higher education faculty to harness technology dependence in an emergency remote teaching era by discussing current and post-pandemic preparedness. Covering a wide range of topics such as digital reality, teacher preparedness, and technology dependency, this book is crucial for educators, administrators, pre-service teachers, researchers, academicians, and students.

About the Author

Papia Bawa, Ph.D., is the Program Coordinator and Lead Faculty for the Graduate Instructional Design Program at SUNY Brockport. She has more than fifteen years of experience in remote teaching and instructional designing. Her research interests focus on technology integration into curriculum designs and include transformative technologies (game-based, mixed realities, machine learning), remote learning environments, and cultural competence through a technology lens. Her publications include a wide range of articles in high-impact journals.

In this Book

  • Are You There? Rethinking the Cultural Self in the Digital Reality for a Sustainable Learning Environment
  • Remote University Supervision of Student Teachers—Lessons and Recommendations
  • A Paradigm for Global Student Interactions Through Digital Technologies in a Post-COVID Era
  • Hybrid and Virtual Educational Simulation Games (vESGs) for the Remote Learning Era—Design and Implementation of the GlobalEd vESG
  • Leveraging Interdisciplinary Collaboration to Improve Technology Dependency and Intercultural Competencies
  • A Framework for Discussion in a Post-COVID World—Supporting Discussion in Virtual Learning Spaces
  • A Review of the Coronavirus Impact on Higher Education Institutions and Opportunity of Information Technology Applications in Collaborative Work
  • Using Technology to Support Culturally Responsive Practices in Post-Secondary Settings
  • Transforming Technology Purpose and Integration—Crossing the Technological Chasm without Falling In
  • “What is it like to Suddenly Shift from Traditional Face-to-Face to Exclusively Online Training?”—Narratives from Global L2 Teachers during the Pandemic
  • Technology Integration in the Post-Pandemic Secondary Classroom
  • The Approach of Academicians to Distance Education during COVID-19—Challenges and Expectations
  • The Power of Technology in K-12 Education
  • Compilation of References