Practical Node.js: Building Real-World Scalable Web Apps

  • 3h 8m
  • Azat Mardan
  • Apress
  • 2014

Practical Node.js is your step-by-step guide to learning how to build a wide range of scalable real-world web applications using a professional development toolkit. Node.js is an innovative and highly efficient platform for creating web services. But Node.js doesn't live in a vacuum! In a modern web development, many different components need to be put together — routing, database driver, ORM, session management, OAuth, HTML template engine, CSS compiler and many more.

If you already know the basics of Node.js, now is the time to discover how to bring it to production level by leveraging its vast ecosystem of packages. As a web developer, you'll work with a varied collection of standards and frameworks - Practical Node.js shows you how all those pieces fit together.

Practical Node.js takes you from installing all the necessary modules to writing full-stack web applications by harnessing the power of the Express.js and Hapi frameworks, the MongoDB database with Mongoskin and Mongoose, Jade and Handlebars template engines, Stylus and LESS CSS languages, OAuth and Everyauth libraries, and the Socket.IO and Derby libraries, and everything in between. The book also covers how to deploy to Heroku and AWS, daemonize apps, and write REST APIs. You'll build full-stack real-world Node.js apps from scratch, and also discover how to write your own Node.js modules and publish them on NPM. You already know what Node.js is; now learn what you can do with it and how far you can take it!

What you’ll learn

  • Manipulate data from the mongo console
  • Use the Mongoskin and Mongoose MongoDB libraries
  • Build REST API servers with Express and Hapi
  • Deploy apps to Heroku and AWS
  • Test services with Mocha, Expect and TravisCI
  • Utilize sessions for authentication
  • Implement a third-party OAuth strategy with Everyauth
  • Apply Redis, domains, WebSockets, and clusters
  • Write your own Node.js module, and publish it on NPM

About the Author

Azat Mardan has over 12 years of experience in web, mobile and software development. With a Bachelor's Degree in Informatics and a Master of Science in Information Systems Technology degree, Azat possesses deep academic knowledge as well as extensive practical experience.

Currently Azat works as an engineer at the curated social media news aggregator website He teaches technical classes at General Assembly San Francisco and Hack Reactor to much acclaim. In his spare time, Azat writes about technology on his blog He is also an author of artisanal book Rapid Prototyping with JS: Agile JavaScript Development.

Previously, Azat has worked as a CTO/co-founder at Gizmo, an enterprise cloud platform for mobile marketing campaigns, and has undertaken the prestigious 500 Startups business accelerator program. Prior to this, Azat was developing mission-critical applications for government agencies in Washington, DC, including the National Institutes of Health, the National Center for Biotechnology Information, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, as well as Lockheed Martin.

In this Book

  • Setting up Node.js and Other Essentials
  • Using Express.js 4 to Create Node.js Web Apps
  • TDD and BDD for Node.js with Mocha
  • Template Engines: Jade and Handlebars
  • Persistence with MongoDB and Mongoskin
  • Using Sessions and OAuth to Authorize and Authenticate Users in Node.js Apps
  • Boosting Your Node.js Data with the Mongoose ORM Library
  • Building Node.js REST API Servers with Express.js and Hapi
  • Real-Time Apps with WebSocket, Socket.IO, and DerbyJS
  • Getting Node.js Apps Production Ready
  • Deploying Node.js Apps
  • Publishing Node.js Modules and Contributing to Open Source


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