Practical Git: Confident Git Through Practice

  • 2h 26m
  • Johan Abildskov
  • Apress
  • 2020

Practice your Git skills using exercises in your own environment. This book introduces concepts in an abstract visual way, and then enforces this learning through exercises - the Git katas.

You will start with basic interactions such as commits and branches, and move on to both internals and collaborative workflows. Best practices are introduced and rehearsed throughout with hands-on exercises. Each topic is supplemented with interactive Git exercises that can be solved using any Git client – either the ubiquituous CLI or one of the many graphical clients so you'll learn in the environment you work in.

The importance of Git is hard to overstate – it is used by 90% of software engineers worldwide and is the de facto standard for version control. Honing your Git skills is guaranteed to make you a better and more efficient developer. Building software can be stressful, but it doesn’t need to be. Practical Git will give you the Git skills you need, and help keep your Git skills sharp. Add it to your library today.

What You'll Learn

  • Use Git through scripted exercises and the Git katas
  • Understand Git’s graph model
  • Troubleshoot common and rare scenarios you may face
  • Select and apply the right Git tool for the task
  • Maintain and collaborate on Git repositories
  • Tweak Git to gain the most from this powerful tool

Who This Book Is For

Anyone who is currently using Git in a copy-paste fashion. It will take you from using Git to knowing Git.

About the Author

Johan Abildskov works as a DevOps Transformation Lead at Eficode in Denmark. He spends his time consulting on DevOps tooling and culture. Git has a special place in his heart. He teaches Git, talks about Git, and maintains the Git katas ( He is a huge geek and a teacher at heart. He has spoken at multiple DevOpsDays, and at Git Merge several times. He was on the All Things Git podcast with Ed Thomson, talking about teaching Git. He is active in meetup groups and in the DevOpsDays community, as well as speaking at both external and internal events at companies. You can find him on Twitter @RandomSort.

In this Book

  • Git Intuition
  • Building Commits
  • Linear History
  • Complex Branching
  • Collaboration in Git
  • Manipulating History
  • Customizing Git
  • Additional Git Features
  • Git Internals


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