Powerhouse: Turbo Boost Your Effectiveness and Start Making a Serious Impact

  • 2h 2m
  • Mike Clayton
  • John Wiley & Sons (UK)
  • 2015

Are you owning everything in your life? Are you in control, with a plan, making everything you do count? Are you performing optimally and making an impact? If not, why not? It's time to step up and be bold, be effective, be a Powerhouse. Let Mike Clayton show you how to raise your personal effectiveness to dynamic levels and completely overhaul your life at work and at home. Lock down your purpose then develop the forceful focus of a true achiever. You'll learn how to make solid decisions, stand up for those decisions and garner unwavering support from others. You'll find expert advice for deciding what matters, and practical tips for turning intentions into determined actions so you can achieve what you want.

As a powerhouse you'll be able to meet any challenge head on and deal with anything. You'll be performing at your peak and firmly on your way to outstanding success.

  • Define your purpose and boost your focus and performance
  • Make the right choices about how you spend your time
  • Be someone everybody wants to work with to get stuff done
  • Have a clear, strategic approach to your productivity

A true powerhouse bursts with energy and purpose, elevating the performance and brightening the outlook of everyone around them. To get there, you need to drill down to the core of your problems, and craft a strategic solution. Powerhouse provides the roadmap, and you just need to begin the journey.

About the Author

Many people have described Mike Clayton as a Powerhouse.

In five years, he has written 12 books, whilst extending his speaking and seminar business.

Mike has always tried to be effective in everything he does, and learned his business, management and professional skills as a management consultant, leading large engagements on behalf of the international consulting firm, Deloitte. Having established two training businesses after leaving Deloitte, Mike now focuses his work on writing, on business, management and personal effectiveness seminars, and as a platform speaker.

All of Mike’s books, seminars and training programmes are about being effective as a professional, manager or leader, but Powerhouse is the first to bring the theme of effectiveness right to the fore, and so marks an important milestone in Mike’s professional career.

In this Book

  • Power House—Turbo Boost Your Effectiveness and Start Making a Serious Impact
  • Introduction
  • Self-Control—Choose to Do the Right Things
  • Judgement—Do the Right Things for the Right Reasons
  • Productivity—Do the Right Things Right
  • Relationships—Work With the People Around You
  • Leadership—Get the Best from the People Around You
  • Conduct—Get the Best from Yourself
  • Perception—Be Prepared for the Unexpected
  • Resilience—Handle the Unexpected
  • Growth—Know When and Where to Stop
  • Culture—Create a Powerhouse Organization


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