Powerhouse Business Mentorship: A How-To Handbook for Mentors and Mentees
- 1h 47m
- Jay J. Silverberg
- Business Expert Press
- 2025

Powerhouse Business Mentorship is the Definitive Business/Entrepreneurial Mentoring Handbook
Mentoring embraces vision-building, handholding, numbers-crunching, and encouragement. It’s a two-way street consisting of the mentor (advisor/coach) and the mentee (the committed participant).
For the mentor, Powerhouse Business Mentorship offers powerful, success-oriented techniques and proven strategies that can assure a mutually effective mentorship experience. For the mentee, this book counsels on how to choose a mentor, how to control the process and how to get the most out of the relationship.
Mentoring is not all about ‘You need to do it this way, my way’, but more so ‘Tell me what you are trying to do and where you want this opportunity to take you’.
Powerhouse Business Mentorship also recounts Jay’s mentoring journeys. Some were great and delivered memorable outcomes, some merely good, and others best described as&‘colorful’.
Everything Jay has learned from his mentoring encounters has found its way into Powerhouse Business Mentorship.
Anyone leading or participating in mentorship needs to have Powerhouse Business Mentorship as their indispensable handbook.
About the Author
Jay J. Silverberg’s flair for business has earned him the reputation as a “business rebel”. He has started and run several successful ventures.
As an entrepreneurial trainer and mentor, Jay has developed innovative programs for both the beginner and the advanced businessperson, and has mentored countless entrepreneurs, newbies, business tire kickers, well-established businesspeople, professionals, business owners and managers; from start-ups to multinational Fortune 500 firms with projects that have spanned the globe.
Delivering doable advice in a user-friendly, no-nonsense style is Jay’s personal trademark.
Books by Jay Silverberg: A Cynic’s Business Wisdom: Winning Through Flexible Ethics; Dead Fish Don’t Swim Upstream: Real Life Lessons in Entrepreneurship (co-authored with Bruce E. McLean); Stuck Entrepreneurs: Escape Routes Out of The Quicksand; The Start-Up Junkie’s Playbook: A 30-Step Plan to Launch Your Business; Powerhouse Business Mentorship: A How-To Handbook for Mentors and Mentees.
In this Book
What Exactly is Mentorship?
The Mentor
The Mentee
Gameplanning the Mentorship Journey
Corporate and Academic Mentoring Strategies
Mentoring as a Fees-for-Services Business
Bonus More Mentorship Tools and Lessons