Peter Drucker: Shaping the Managerial Mind

  • 9h 17m
  • John E. Flaherty
  • John Wiley & Sons (US)
  • 1999

To leaders, students, and admirers everywhere, he is "the father of modern management" and "the man who invented corporate America." According to Forbes magazine, he is still "the youngest managerial mind" after sixty prolific years of writing, lecturing, and consulting. He is Peter F. Drucker, the world's most widely read and influential thinker on business and management.

While there have been several books about Peter Drucker and his life, this is the first to present a comprehensive synthesis and in-depth analysis of his works and insights on management. Drawing from over forty years as a student, follower, and friend, John E. Flaherty has created a definitive account of Drucker's managerial achievements. An expert on management himself, Flaherty provides readers with a practical overview of Drucker's most important contributions to management and business strategy. He not only captures Drucker's fundamental management concepts and ideas but also shows how these principles have current relevance for today's practitioners.

For those new to Peter Drucker, this essential compendium is a crash course on his most profound discoveries on management, change, entrepreneurial endeavor, and executive effectiveness. For those who have read Drucker's extensive writings, this significant volume offers deeper insight into his more novel and far-reaching concepts. Filled with useful summaries and checklists of key lessons, Peter Drucker: Shaping the Managerial Mind distills a lifetime of wisdom and experience for managers and students everywhere.

About the Author

John E. Flaherty is professor emeritus of management at Pace University in New York City where he was formerly dean of the Graduate School of Business and chairman of the Social Science Department. He first encountered Peter Drucker while auditing one of Drucker's management courses at New York University in the mid 1950s. Over the years, Flaherty has followed and kept notes on the material from Drucker's lectures, books, articles, conversations, and correspondence--many of which have found their way into Peter Drucker: Shaping the Managerial Mind.

In this Book

  • Peter Drucker—Shaping the Managerial Mind
  • Introduction
  • Formative Years
  • The End of Economic Man
  • The Future of Industrial Man
  • Concept of the Corporation
  • Establishing the Fundamentals
  • Managing Change
  • The Entrepreneurial Process
  • Investing In Change
  • Strategies for the Transitional Business
  • Tactics and Transformation
  • Managing in the Knowledge Society
  • Approaches to Effectiveness
  • Leadership and the Job of the Executive
  • Contribution, Commitment, and Concentration
  • Time, Strengths, and Communication
  • The Decision-Making Process
  • Conclusion
  • Notes
  • Published Work Of Peter Drucker
  • Bibliography


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