Performance Coaching: A Complete Guide to Best Practice Approaches
- 6h 7m
- Carol Wilson
- Kogan Page
- 2014
Effective performance coaching helps individuals and organizations achieve their maximum potential, tackle challenges, and reach specific goals. It leads to personal and professional development and helps create a work-life balance.
Written as an introduction for those thinking of becoming or hiring a coach – personal or corporate – and a reference guide for experienced coaches, Performance Coaching offers a guide to the fundamentals of coaching by illustrating how to develop a best practice approach.
Using practical tools throughout the text and international case studies to demonstrate the various cultural challenges, Performance Coaching is a complete resource for developing coaching in any organization.
The new edition is completely updated to offer a greater focus on building a coaching culture in organizations and on the challenges that leaders face in understanding and developing a coaching approach.
About the Author
Carol Wilson is Managing Director of Performance Coach Training, sits on the Global Advisory Panel to the Association for Coaching, is a Trustee to charity The Ministry of Entrepreneurship and a Fellow of The Professional Speaking Association. She designs and delivers coaching and leadership programs all over the world to corporations and public sector organizations.
In this Book
Performance Coaching—A Complete Guide to Best Practice Coaching and Training
Foreword by Sir John Whitmore
Foreword by Sir Richard Branson
What is Coaching?
The Differences between Coaching, Therapy, Counselling, Mentoring and Consultancy
The Directive–Non-Directive Continuum
Self-limiting Beliefs
Coaching and Neuroscience
The Meaning of a Coaching Culture
Ten Steps to Creating a Coaching Culture
Coaching in the Workplace
Coach Training in the Workplace
Coaching in Leadership
Cross-cultural Coaching
Coaching in Schools
Coaching for Crisis at Christmas
Corporate Social Responsibility and Shared Value: Bringing Business and Society Back Together
Bullying in the Workplace
Resilience in Leadership
Coaching Supervision: A Workplace Perspective
ROI: Measuring the Return on Investment in Coaching
Reflecting, Summarizing and Clarifying
Permission Protocol
The GROW Coaching Model
The EXACT Model: A Coaching Approach to Goal Setting
Coaching Feedback
The Structure of Coaching
Setting and Reviewing Actions
David Grove’s Clean Language
David Grove’s Emergent Knowledge
Transpersonal Coaching
An Introduction to Neurolinguistic Programming
Systemic Coaching
Transactional Analysis and the OK Corral
360-degree Feedback
The Reuven Bar-On Emotional Quotient Inventory (BarOn EQ-i)
Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument
Marshall Rosenberg’s ‘Non-Violent Communication’
Situational Leadership
Kouzes and Posner: The Leadership Challenge
Cultural Transformation Tools
The Inner Game
Nancy Kline’s Thinking Environment
Appreciative Inquiry
Elizabeth Kubler Ross’s Change Curve Six Stage Model
Bruce Tuckman’s ‘Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing’ Team Development Model
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
The Enneagram
Kolb’s Learning Styles
Johari Window
More Team Role Models