Patents and Strategic Inventing: The Corporate Inventor's Guide to Creating Sustainable Competitive Advantage
- 4h 21m
- Nicholas J. Nissing
- McGraw-Hill
- 2013
Patents and Strategic Inventing spells out exactly what a typical corporate inventor needs to know about patents and patent strategy, as well as how these topics can be used to guide the creation of new products. It explains in clear, easy-to-understand language how to secure patents that deliver the most possible value to the organization and build legal protections into properties from the outset.
About the Author
Nicholas Nissing was an inventor at Procter & Gamble, founded the consulting firm Luminosity LLC, which focused on new product development and patent strategy for large corporations, and is currently the Biotech Competitive Strategy Lead at the Monsanto Company and an adjunct professor at Washington University.
In this Book
Intellectual Property: The Real Estate of Your Mind
What You Need to Know About Patentability and Inventorship
Claims and Your Freedom to Operate
A Simplified View of the Patenting Process
The Corporate Inventor’s Role
Practical Tools for Patent Searching Online
The Joy of Reading Patents
The Impact of the 2011 America Invents Act
Working with Your Attorney: Nine Steps to a Better Utility Patent
Key Elements of a Patent Strategy
Patent Landscapes: Dividing Up the Pie
Visualizing Patent Space
Not All Claims Are Created Equal
Eight Portfolio Strategy Models
Portfolio Building: A Business Perspective
Enhancing Product Value Through Life-Cycle Management
Intellectual Property as a Currency of Collaboration
The Cart or the Horse? An Introduction to Strategic Inventing
Competitive Advantage and the Magic of Differentiation
Intellectual Property and Disruptive Innovation: Strategies, Tactics, and Lessons from China
What Makes a Great Invention?
Strategic Inventing Techniques
Using TRIZ for Strategic Inventing
Implementing a Patent Strategy at the Project Level