Out Think: How Innovative Leaders Drive Exceptional Outcomes

  • 4h 29m
  • G. Shawn Hunter
  • John Wiley & Sons (US)
  • 2013

We've entered a new era. Call it the age of imagination, ideation, conceptualization, creativity, innovation--take your pick.

Creativity, mental flexibility, and collaboration have displaced one-dimensional intelligence and isolated determination as core ingredients of competitive advantage. But these methods and mindsets needed to drive innovation are only found by tapping into the discretionary levels of passion, creativity and initiative within us. This is where Out Think leadership comes in.

In each chapter a key idea, behavior, or mindset shift is presented. The shift is illustrated through unparalleled interviews with business leaders conducted by the author. Techniques are described to show how the shift or idea can be implemented, with real-world examples. Assessments, exercises, and actionable messaging are highlighted throughout the book.

Out Think: How Innovative Leaders Drive Exceptional Results is both an idea-based and action-based work. Each chapter focuses on a key idea, behavior, or mindset and illustrates these concepts through proprietary interviews with business leaders. Each chapter focuses on a particular attribute of innovative 21st century leaders and:

  • Describes techniques to show how the mindset or behavior shift can be implemented, with real-world examples
  • Includes assessments, exercises and actionable messaging
  • Includes interviews based on the author's unparalleled access over more than a decade to executives and thought-leaders through his work at Skillsoft, a pioneer in the field of learning

Through interviews and collaboration with thought-leaders across industries, Out Think gathers insights, stories, and actionable take-aways, with an emphasis on results, that can drive the change that leaders want and need in their organizations.

About the Author

G. Shawn Hunter is Executive Producer & Vice President for Leadership Development Channel at Skillsoft. For over a decade Hunter has interviewed, collaborated with, and filmed, hundreds of leading business authors, executives, and business school faculty in an effort to assemble video learning solutions, as both an entrepreneur and later as a product developer for Skillsoft. Hunter originally co-founded Targeted Learning Corporation with his father Hal Hunter, Ph.D., which was acquired by Skillsoft in February 2007.

In this Book

  • Out Think—How Innovative Leaders Drive Exceptional Outcomes
  • Foreword
  • Introduction
  • Marketquake—Moving beyond Arrested Decay
  • Trust—Establish the Engine of Leadership
  • Inquiry—Provoke with Questions, Not Answers
  • Exploration—Go to the Woodshed
  • Aspiration—Dream Well—You May Find Yourself There
  • Edge—Embrace New Kinds of Risk
  • Connection—Collaborate to Innovate
  • Mash-up—Borrow Brilliance
  • Action—Get Moving or Accept the Consequences
  • Signature—Make It Your Own
  • Purpose—Connect with “Why”
  • Sustaining the Innovative Mindset
  • Notes
  • Bibliography