Organizational Change Explained: Case Studies on Transformational Change in Organizations

  • 6h 33m
  • Bob Thomas, Sarah Coleman
  • Kogan Page
  • 2017

The best way to learn how to navigate change successfully is to look at practical examples of change management programmes. Organizational Change Explained shares stories and insights from experienced change practitioners so professionals can reflect on their own work, respond critically to what others have done, and take away new tools and techniques to apply to their own change management practice. The book includes a range of cases from different sectors and countries including GlaxoSmithKline and the NHS to offer insights no matter the scale of the change management programme.

Organized around central themes such as shaping and design, change leadership, and communication and engagement, Organizational Change Explained presents each case alongside an introduction, conclusion, list of key learning points, questions for reflection and sources of further reading. The book is invaluable to anyone tasked with leading or managing change within their teams, projects, departments or divisions, whether at local level or across geographic locations, countries and cultures.

About the Authors

Sarah Coleman is director of Business Evolution. Her clients include multinationals and established medium-sized enterprises across government and industry sectors including telecoms, professional and financial services, engineering and healthcare. Sarah is a Fellow and former Trustee of the Association for Project Management (APM) and Visiting Fellow at Cranfield and Lincoln universities.

Bob Thomas is a highly experienced programme, portfolio, PMO delivery manager with a consulting and delivery background in airports, retail, government (central and local), insurance, logistics, health, financial services, transportation and management consulting. Bob also established Change Practitioner Groups for the APM.

In this Book

  • Changing Culture Through Conversation: Organizational Development in the NHS
  • Sparking Change: A World of Change in Electricity Transmission
  • The GlaxoSmithKline Story: Changing the Way We Change
  • Shaping, Scoping and Designing A New Total Operating Model
  • The Brain and Adaptive Change
  • Working with Resistance to Change
  • Creating the Resilient Organization
  • Leading Change in a Not-for-profit Organization
  • Employee Communication and Engagement During Change: Insights from Neuroscience
  • Project Carpe Diem: The Systematic Journey of a Multi-locational and Multicultural Transformational Change Programme in a Large Telecoms Company
  • Operational Readiness for Change
  • Managing Change in Asia and the West: Different Windows, Different Views
  • Developing Change Capacity and Capability in Organizations
  • Risk and Organizational Change
  • Embedding and Sustaining Change
  • Change Innovation
  • Opinion Piece 1: The Future and Change
  • Opinion Piece 2: Leading the Agile Organization
  • Opinion Piece 3: The Shift from Complicated to Complex
  • Opinion Piece 4: The Future and Manufacturing
  • Opinion Piece 5: The Future and Local Government
  • Opinion Piece 6: The Future and Healthcare