Optimization Techniques in Engineering: Advances and Applications

  • 6h 52m
  • Anita Khosla, Dheeraj Joshi, Ikbal Ali, Prasenjit Chatterjee
  • John Wiley & Sons (US)
  • 2023


The book describes the basic components of an optimization problem along with the formulation of design problems as mathematical programming problems using an objective function that expresses the main aim of the model, and how it is to be either minimized or maximized; subsequently, the concept of optimization and its relevance towards an optimal solution in engineering applications, is explained.

This book aims to present some of the recent developments in the area of optimization theory, methods, and applications in engineering. It focuses on the metaphor of the inspired system and how to configure and apply the various algorithms. The book comprises 30 chapters and is organized into two parts: Part I ― Soft Computing and Evolutionary-Based Optimization; and Part II ― Decision Science and Simulation-Based Optimization, which contains application-based chapters.

Readers and users will find in the book:

  • An overview and brief background of optimization methods which are used very popularly in almost all applications of science, engineering, technology, and mathematics;
  • An in-depth treatment of contributions to optimal learning and optimizing engineering systems;
  • Maps out the relations between optimization and other mathematical topics and disciplines;
  • A problem-solving approach and a large number of illustrative examples, leading to a step-by-step formulation and solving of optimization problems.


Researchers, industry professionals, academicians, and doctoral scholars in major domains of engineering, production, thermal, electrical, industrial, materials, design, computer engineering, and natural sciences. The book is also suitable for researchers and postgraduate students in mathematics, applied mathematics, and industrial mathematics.

About the Author

Anita Khosla, PhD, is a professor in the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies, University, Faridabad. She is the editor of two books and more than 50 research papers in national, international journals and conferences.

Prasenjit Chatterjee, PhD, is a full professor of Mechanical Engineering and Dean (Research and Consultancy) at MCKV Institute of Engineering, West Bengal, India. He has more than 120 research papers in various international journals and peer-reviewed conferences. He has authored and edited more than 22 books on intelligent decision-making, fuzzy computing, supply chain management, optimization techniques, risk management, and sustainability modeling. Dr. Chatterjee is one of the developers of a new multiple-criteria decision-making method called Measurement of Alternatives and Ranking according to Compromise Solution (MARCOS).

Ikbal Ali, PhD, is a professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering & Technology of Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India. His research work has been widely published and cited in refereed international journals/conferences of repute like IEEE. His research interests are in the fields of power systems, operation, and control; and smart grid technologies.

Dheeraj Joshi, PhD, is a professor in the Electrical Engineering Department, Delhi Technological University since 2015. He has published more than 200 publications in international/national journals and conferences. His areas of interest are power electronics converters, induction generators in wind energy conversion systems, and electric drives.

In this Book

  • Improved Grey Wolf Optimizer with Levy Flight to Solve Dynamic Economic Dispatch Problem with Electric Vehicle Profiles
  • Comparison of YOLO and Faster R-CNN on Garbage Detection
  • Smart Power Factor Correction and Energy Monitoring System
  • ANN-Based Maximum Power Point Tracking Control Configured Boost Converter for Electric Vehicle Applications
  • Single/Multijunction Solar Cell Model Incorporating Maximum Power Point Tracking Scheme Based on Fuzzy Logic Algorithm
  • Particle Swarm Optimization—An Overview, Advancements and Hybridization
  • Application of Genetic Algorithm in Sensor Networks and Smart Grid
  • AI-Based Predictive Modeling of Delamination Factor for Carbon Fiber–Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) Drilling Process
  • Performance Comparison of Differential Evolutionary Algorithm-Based Contour Detection to Monocular Depth Estimation for Elevation Classification in 2D Drone-Based Imagery
  • Bioinspired MOPSO-Based Power Allocation for Energy Efficiency and Spectral Efficiency Trade-Off in Downlink NOMA
  • Performances of Machine Learning Models and Featurization Techniques on Amazon Fine Food Reviews
  • Optimization of Cutting Parameters for Turning by using Genetic Algorithm
  • Genetic Algorithm-Based Optimization for Speech Processing Applications
  • Performance of P, PI, PID, and NARMA Controllers in the Load Frequency Control of a Single-Area Thermal Power Plant
  • Selection of Nonpowered Industrial Truck for Small Scale Manufacturing Industry Using Fuzzy VIKOR Method Under FMCDM Environment
  • Slightly and Almost Neutrosophic gsα*—Continuous Function in Neutrosophic Topological Spaces
  • Identification and Prioritization of Risk Factors Affecting the Mental Health of Farmers
  • Multiple Objective and Subjective Criteria Evaluation Technique (MOSCET)—An Application to Material Handling System Selection
  • Evaluation of Optimal Parameters to Enhance Worker's Performance in an Automotive Industry
  • Determining Key Influential Factors of Rural Tourism—An AHP Model
  • Solution of a Pollution-Based Economic Order Quantity Model Under Triangular Dense Fuzzy Environment
  • Common Yet Overlooked Aspects Accountable for Antiaging—An MCDM Approach
  • E-Waste Management Challenges in India—An AHP Approach
  • Application of k-Means Method for Finding Varying Groups of Primary Energy Household Emissions in the Indian States
  • Airwaves Detection and Elimination using Fast Fourier Transform to Enhance Detection of Hydrocarbon
  • Design and Implementation of Control for Nonlinear Active Suspension System
  • A Study of Various Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR) Reduction Techniques for 5G Communication System (5G-CS)
  • Investigation of Rebound Suppression Phenomenon in an Electromagnetic V-Bending Test
  • Quadratic Spline Function Companding Technique to Minimize Peak-to-Average Power Ratio in Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing System
  • A Novel MCGDM Approach for Supplier Selection in a Supply Chain Management
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