Optical System Design
- 7h 15m
- Biljana Tadic-Galeb, Robert E. Fischer
- McGraw-Hill
- 2000
An easy-to-use book that takes the math and the mystery out of optical design. Uses a graphics-oriented approach, making optical design techniques easy to understand through hundreds of detailed diagrams. A comprehensive one-stop resource for optical engineers, designers, lens designers, and others, both experts and beginners.
About the Authors
Robert E. Fischer is the president and founder of OPTICS 1, Incorporated, of Westlake Village, California. He has a BS and MS in Optics from the Institute of Optics at the University of Rochester. He has been involved in optical design and engineering since 1967 when he joined the Itek Corporation. Prior to founding OPTICS 1, he was with Hughes Aircraft. His primary areas of techni-cal interest and expertise include lens design, optical engineering, optical sys-tem manufacturing and testing, illumination systems, and related engineering technologies. In addition to chairing many conferences with the International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE), Fischer has held several positions with the society, including president in 1984. His popular short course "Practical Optical System Design" has been widely attended over the years and forms the basis for this book. Mr. Fischer is a Fellow of SPIE and the Optical Society of America. He was awarded the Albert M. Pezzuto award from SPIE in 1986, and the Gold Medal of SPIE in 2000.
Biljana Tadic-Galeb is a Senior Staff Optical Engineer at OPTICS 1, Incorpo-rated, of Westlake Village, California. She has a BS in Physics from the Univer-sity of Sarajevo, Yugoslavia, and an MS in Optics from Reading University in England. She also holds an MS in Metrology from the University of Beograd, Yugoslavia. Ms. Tadic-Galeb has over 20 years of experience as an Optical Sys-tems Engineer with specialties in the development of complex visible, IR, and UV optical systems, projections systems, laser systems, and hybrid systems with diffractive elements and fibers. She was recognized by the National Academy of Engineering in their Featured Women Engineers Program.
In this Book
Basic Optics and Optical System Specifications
Stops and Pupils and Other Basic Principles
Diffraction, Aberrations, and Image Quality
The Concept of Optical Path Difference
Review of Specific Geometrical Aberrations and How to Get Rid of Them
Glass Selection (Including Plastics)
Spherical and Aspheric Surfaces
Design Forms
The Optical Design Process
Computer Performance Evaluation
Gaussian Beam Imagery
Basics of Thermal Infrared Imaging in the 3- to 5-and 8- to 12-µm Spectral Bands (Plus UV Optics)
Diffractive Optics
Design of Illumination Systems
Performance Evaluation and Optical Testing
Tolerancing and Producibility
Optical Manufacturing Considerations
Polarization Issues in Optical Design
Optical Thin Films
Hardware Design Issues
Lens Design Optimization Case Studies
Bloopers and Blunders in Optics
Rules of Thumb and Hints