Operational Risk Management: Best Practices in the Financial Services Industry

  • 4h 13m
  • Ariane Chapelle
  • John Wiley & Sons (UK)
  • 2019

The Authoritative Guide to the Best Practices in Operational Risk Management

Operational Risk Management offers a comprehensive guide that contains a review of the most up-to-date and effective operational risk management practices in the financial services industry. The book provides an essential overview of the current methods and best practices applied in financial companies and also contains advanced tools and techniques developed by the most mature firms in the field.

The author explores the range of operational risks such as information security, fraud or reputation damage and details how to put in place an effective program based on the four main risk management activities: risk identification, risk assessment, risk mitigation and risk monitoring. The book also examines some specific types of operational risks that rank high on many firms' risk registers.

Drawing on the author's extensive experience working with and advising financial companies, Operational Risk Management is written both for those new to the discipline and for experienced operational risk managers who want to strengthen and consolidate their knowledge.

About the Author

Dr. Ariane Chapelle, PhD, is Associate Professor at University College London for the course 'Operational Risk Measurement for Financial Institutions’ and is a Fellow of the Institute of Operational Risk and a trainer for the Professional Risk Managers' International Association (PRMIA), for whom she designed the Certificate of Learning and Practice in Advanced Operational Risk Management.

She is a former holder of the Chair of International Finance at the University of Brussels. She has been active in operational risk management since 2000 and is a former head of operational risk management at ING Group and Lloyds Banking Group.

Dr. Chapelle runs her own training and consulting practice in risk management. Her clients include Tier 1 financial organisations and international financial institutions. Her new textbook “Operational Risk Management: best practices in the financial services industry”, published by Wiley in December 2018 is already a best seller, ranking up to #3 on Amazon UK and up to # 1 in Amazon.com new releases of financial risk management books.

The Authoritative Guide to the Best Practices in Operational Risk Management

Operational Risk Management offers a comprehensive guide that contains a review of the most up-to-date and effective operational risk management practices in the financial services industry. The book provides an essential overview of the current methods and best practices applied in financial companies and also contains advanced tools and techniques developed by the most mature firms in the field.

The author explores the range of operational risks such as information security, fraud or reputation damage and details how to put in place an effective program based on the four main risk management activities: risk identification, risk assessment, risk mitigation and risk monitoring. The book also examines some specific types of operational risks that rank high on many firms' risk registers.

Drawing on the author's extensive experience working with and advising financial companies, Operational Risk Management is written both for those new to the discipline and for experienced operational risk managers who want to strengthen and consolidate their knowledge.

About the Author

Dr. Ariane Chapelle, PhD, is Associate Professor at University College London for the course 'Operational Risk Measurement for Financial Institutions’ and is a Fellow of the Institute of Operational Risk and a trainer for the Professional Risk Managers' International Association (PRMIA), for whom she designed the Certificate of Learning and Practice in Advanced Operational Risk Management.

She is a former holder of the Chair of International Finance at the University of Brussels. She has been active in operational risk management since 2000 and is a former head of operational risk management at ING Group and Lloyds Banking Group.

Dr. Chapelle runs her own training and consulting practice in risk management. Her clients include Tier 1 financial organisations and international financial institutions. Her new textbook “Operational Risk Management: best practices in the financial services industry”, published by Wiley in December 2018 is already a best seller, ranking up to #3 on Amazon UK and up to # 1 in Amazon.com new releases of financial risk management books.

In this Book

  • Foreword
  • Introduction
  • Risk Identification Tools
  • Scenario Identification Process
  • Risk Definition and Taxonomy
  • Risk Connectivity and Risk Networks
  • Risk Appetite
  • Risk and Control Self-Assessments
  • Scenario Assessment
  • Regulatory Capital and Modeling
  • Operational Risk Governance
  • Risk Mitigation
  • Root Cause Analysis and Action Plans
  • Conduct and Culture
  • Incident Data Collection
  • Key Risk Indicators
  • Risk Reporting
  • Valuable ORM
  • Project Risk Management
  • Information Security Risks
  • Operational Risks in Cryptocurrencies
  • Resilience and Reputation
  • Conclusion


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