On Purpose: The Busy Woman's Guide to an Extraordinary Life of Meaning and Success

  • 3h 39m
  • Tanya Dalton
  • HarperCollins Leadership
  • 2021

Are you filling your calendar or are you filling your soul?

In her latest book, productivity expert Tanya Dalton helps you to define your purpose and live with intention--even if you feel you are too busy to pursue your big dreams. She offers cutting-edge research and thought-provoking real life stories of women and leads you through innovative, yet deceptively simple exercises designed to help you understand:

  • how to create a map to your ideal future;
  • actionable strategies to move forward with confidence;
  • simple shifts to turn unexpected obstacles into opportunities; and
  • daily steps you can take toward a more fulfilling life.

Dalton doesn't tell you what to think. She empowers you to choose how to think. She doesn't help you fit in with the status quo; instead she shakes the foundation of how you view the world. Because it's your world, and it's filled with opportunities you might not even realize are there.

Living On Purpose isn't about changing who you are. It's about rising up and becoming the best version of you--adjusting your mindset so you can discover your daily choices. On Purpose will help you find the unhurried purpose that is hidden in each one of your days when you stay true to your soul's path.

It's Time to Choose to Be Extraordinary

About the Author

Tanya Dalton is a nationally recognized productivity expert, bestselling author, and speaker who serves as a growth strategist for female leaders in the corporate and entrepreneurial sectors. She is also the founder and CEO of inkWELL Press Productivity Co., a business focused on helping women create fulfilling lives on purpose. Her popular podcast, The Intentional Advantage, has been downloaded more than 2.5 million times and hundreds of thousands of her inkWELL Press products have found their way into the hands of eager consumers around the world. Tanya is also the wife of John and the mom of Jack and Kate. They reside in Asheville, North Carolina, where John doesn't just work by her side; he sits across the desk from her. They spend their days planning, laughing, and working together as she once dreamed they would.

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • Choose to Disrupt Your Patterns
  • Choose Your Identity
  • Choose to See Your Future
  • Choose to Find Your Focus
  • Choose to Make a Plan
  • Choose to Invest in Yourself
  • Choose to Release Your Fears
  • Choose to Create the Time
  • Choose to Give Grace
  • Conclusion—Choosing to Choose
  • Bonus Content
  • Notes


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