Official Google Cloud Certified Associate Cloud Engineer Study Guide

  • 8h 49m
  • Dan Sullivan
  • Sybex
  • 2019

The Only Official Google Cloud Study Guide

The Official Google Cloud Certified Associate Cloud Engineer Study Guide, provides everything you need to prepare for this important exam and master the skills necessary to land that coveted Google Cloud Engineering certification. Beginning with a pre-book assessment quiz to evaluate what you know before you begin, each chapter features exam objectives and review questions, plus the online learning environment includes additional complete practice tests. Written by Dan Sullivan, a popular and experienced online course author for machine learning, big data, and Cloud topics, Official Google Cloud Certified Associate Cloud Engineer Study Guide is your ace in the hole for deploying and managing Google Cloud Services.

  • Select the right Google service from the various choices based on the application to be built
  • Compute with Cloud VMs and managing VMs
  • Plan and deploying storage
  • Network and configure access and security

Google Cloud Platform is a leading public cloud that provides its users to many of the same software, hardware, and networking infrastructure used to power Google services. Businesses, organizations, and individuals can launch servers in minutes, store petabytes of data, and implement global virtual clouds with the Google Cloud Platform. Certified Associate Cloud Engineers have demonstrated the knowledge and skills needed to deploy and operate infrastructure, services, and networks in the Google Cloud. This exam guide is designed to help you understand the Google Cloud Platform in depth so that you can meet the needs of those operating resources in the Google Cloud.

About the Author

DAN SULLIVAN is a software architect specializing in big data, machine learning, and cloud computing. He is currently working on real-time analysis of application and system monitoring data. Dan is a Google Cloud Certified Associate Cloud Engineer and has extensive experience with Google Cloud and other cloud platforms. Dan is the author of three books and numerous articles. He is an instructor with LinkedIn Learning where he develops courses on data science, machine learning, and data management.

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • Assessment Test
  • Overview of Google Cloud Platform
  • Google Cloud Computing Services
  • Projects, Service Accounts, and Billing
  • Introduction to Computing in Google Cloud
  • Computing with Compute Engine Virtual Machines
  • Managing Virtual Machines
  • Computing with Kubernetes
  • Managing Kubernetes Clusters
  • Computing with App Engine
  • Computing with Cloud Functions
  • Planning Storage in the Cloud
  • Deploying Storage in Google Cloud Platform
  • Loading Data into Storage
  • Networking in the Cloud—Virtual Private Clouds and Virtual Private Networks
  • Networking in the Cloud—DNS, Load Balancing, and IP Addressing
  • Deploying Applications with Cloud Launcher and Deployment Manager
  • Configuring Access and Security
  • Monitoring, Logging, and Cost Estimating