Object-Oriented Software Design in C++

  • 6h 51m
  • Ronald Mak
  • Manning Publications
  • 2024

Learn the fundamentals of Object-Oriented design by investigating good—and bad—code!

Well-designed applications run more efficiently, have fewer bugs, and are easier to revise and maintain. Using an engaging “before-and-after” approach, Object-Oriented Software Design in C++ shows you exactly what bad software looks like and how to fix it with good design principles and patterns.

In Object-Oriented Software Design in C++, you’ll find:

  • Design-code-test iterations that improve code with each revision
  • Gathering requirements to make sure you’re developing the right application
  • Design principles like encapsulation and delegation that solve programming problems
  • Design patterns including Observer Design Pattern that fix architecture issues
  • Using recursion and multithreading to simplify common solutions

Object-Oriented Software Design in C++ is a vital guide to building the kind of high performance applications delivered by the pros—all using industry-proven design principles and patterns. You’ll learn how to gather and analyze requirements so you’re building exactly what your client is looking for, backtrack mistakes with iterative development, and build a toolbox of design patterns that troubleshoot common issues with application architecture. The book’s accessible examples are written in C++ 17, but its universal principles can be applied to any object-oriented language.

about the technology

Good design is the foundation of great software. Mastering the principles of object-oriented design is the surest way to create applications that run fast, have few bugs, and last well into the future. Written especially for new C++ programmers, this easy-to-read book gently mentors you in the art of designing great software.

about the book

Object-Oriented Software Design in C++ introduces object-oriented design principles, practices, and patterns in clear, jargon-free language. The instantly-familiar before-and-after examples highlight the benefits of good design. Each chapter is full of friendly conversations that anticipate your questions and help point out the subtleties you might overlook. Along the way, you’ll pick up tips about idiomatic C++ style that will set your code apart.

About the Author

Ronald Mak is a former NASA senior scientist. Currently, he teaches computer science at San Jose State University.

The technical editor on this book was Juan Rufes.

In this Book

  • The Path to Well-Designed Software
  • Iterate to Achieve Good Design
  • Get Requirements to Build the Right Application
  • Good Class Design to Build the Application Right
  • Hide Class Implementations
  • Don’t Surprise Your Users
  • Design Subclasses Right
  • The Template Method and Strategy Design Patterns
  • The Factory Method and Abstract Factory Design Patterns
  • The Adapter and Façade Design Patterns
  • The Iterator and Visitor Design Patterns
  • The Observer Design Pattern
  • The State Design Pattern
  • The Singleton, Composite, and Decorator Design Patterns
  • Designing Solutions with Recursion and Backtracking
  • Designing Multithreaded Programs