Object-Oriented Programming C++ Simplified

  • 8h 14m
  • Hari Mohan Pandey
  • Laxmi Publications
  • 2015

This book OBJECT-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING C++ SIMPLIFIED is a comprehensive, hands-on guide to C++ programming but one that doesn't assume you've programmed before. (People familiar with earlier programming or another structured programming language will, of course, have an easier time and can move through the early chapters quickly.)

Soon, you will write sophisticated programs that take full advantages of C++'s exciting and powerful object-oriented nature. You will start as a beginner and when you have finished this book, you will have moved far along the road to C++ mastery. I have tried hard to cover at the least the fundamentals of every technique that a C++ professional will need to master.

In this Book

  • Introduction to Oops
  • Introduction of Objectoriented Design
  • Starting with C++
  • C Features of C++
  • Rators and References in C++
  • Function in C++
  • Class and Objects in C++
  • Working with Constructor and Destructor
  • Working with Operator Overloading
  • Working with Inheritance In C++
  • Pointers to Objects and Virtual Functions
  • Input-Output and Manipulators in C++
  • File Handling in C++
  • Template Programming
  • Exception Handling in C++
  • Object-Oriented Programming Hand on Lab


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Journey C++
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